Hajin: Traders Federation Hajin in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district on Friday protested against the dilapidated condition of roads in the area.
The federation took out a protest march at main market Hajin and blocked the road for an hour which halted the traffic, eyewitnesses told Kashmir Reader.
The protesters said that why only we are suffering when the government claims that they have given top priority to road resurfacing in the valley. They expressed dismay over the dilapidated condition of the main road in town saying that for the last couple of years the road has not been macadamised and they suffer a lot due to the bad condition of the road.
Secretary Traders Federation Hajin Nisar Ahmad Parray told Kashmir Reader that enough injustice has been done with this town, no macadmisation has been done to this town since 6 years . “We are the suffers as due to poor condition of roads hardly any customers are turning up and the health of traders is also worsening with the dust around,” he said
He added that both R&B and PHE departments have played with the sentiments of the people ,every day there is leakage of water pipe lines and the employees of PHE department are digging the main roads thus creating huge inconvenience to the people in the area.
President Traders Federation Hajin, Mushtaq Ahmad told that neither the roads leading to main market have been macadamized and there is total disregard of the pleas we have made forcing us to protest .
Because of the bad condition of our roads, the lives of people living in the town have been made miserable.
The protest ended peacefully after Tehsildar concerned assured them of redressal of this issue.