Home delivery and takeaway services permitted in Srinagar: RAK President

SRINAGAR: Deputy Comissioner Srinagar, Dr. Shahid Iqbal Choudhary has permitted Café & Restaurants to operate for home delivery and takeaway of fast food and cooked food items within District Srinagar.
An order No. DCS/PS/20/1393-1400 dated 10.06.2020 for regulating the functioning of Restaurant/Café with notification of mandatory precautions thereof has been issued.
A permission letter to start home delivery and takeaway to President, Restaurant and Café Association (RAK), Sheikh Feroz was issued today by Dr. Choudhary who conducted training sessions for employees and restaurant owners at Tagore Hall, Srinagar recently, after completely satisfied with the training and result of COVID-19 tests which were conducted to all 200-employees, he has issued a clearance certificate to resume home delivery and takeaway facility as the first phase for restaurants and café in the District Srinagar with a mandatory SoPs/guideline clause.
Restaurant and Café Association (RAK) was formed two weeks ago and achieved a big milestone to receive permission from the D.C. Srinagar to run the business activities as an initiative of unlocking Phase I.
RAK president expressed gratitude towards Choudhary for issuing a permission letter today and ensured him that “all the restaurant owners will take this opportunity to adhere all the guidelines and SoPs to run the business activity religiously”
RAK in collaboration with D.C., Srinagar inducted training sessions for all the restaurant players who were assembled at Tagore Hall, Srinagar to take necessary training before starting officially the restaurants and café activities in the city Srinagar.
After completion of necessary training, Dr. Iqbal Choudhary has issued a certificate to permit home delivery and takeaway facility for the restaurateurs and stressed upon to follow the MHA guidelines and SoPs which were prepared for the restaurant management to make the process of unlocking smooth and conduct daily business activities by following the necessary norms.
We were called today at D.C Office to take the permission letter from Dr. Shahid Iqbal Choudhary to resume the business activities as soon as possible. “Necessary COVID-19 samples of almost 200 employees were taken at Tagore hall which reported negative later. Once, we have completed training successful under the supervision of D.C. Srinagar he has issued a permission certificate today to restore the business activities as per the unlock Phase I protocol” Said, Imran Sheikh, Vice President (RAK)
“When I took this task in hand to lead the restaurant and café group, I have made a resolve to solve the problems collectivity for the better good of the restaurant and café business in the valley, I am sure that all the RAK members will take this opportunity seriously and adhere all the set guidelines religiously without any failure,” Said President, Sheikh Feroz
We had frequent deliberations with the D.C Srinagar and ensured him that we will follow all the guidelines such as handling food, checking insect pests, toilet personnel hygiene facility, cleaning the premise where food preparation shall take place, home delivery, and delivery boys hygiene, etc” added RAK President.
We are positive that people will start ordering the home delivery from the selective restaurant of which the list will be announced soon with numbers to contact and order food.

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