Rs 5,500 fine recovered during market checking in Pampore

PAMPORE: On the directions of Deputy Commissioner Pulwama, a joint market checking drive was launched in different areas of Pampore area of Pulwama district on Thursday.
The checking squad led by Naib Tehsildar Pampore, Executive Officer Municipal Committee Pampore and other officials
A team consisting of officials from Municipal Committee , revenue department, civil supplies and consumer affairs and pollution control department carried out a market checking drive in Drangbal, Namblabal and Khrew areas of Pampore.
During the drive a fine of rupees 5500 was realised from erring shopkeepers and vendors . Also banned polythene , around 10 kg, were also recovered.
The market checking squad also destroyed some rotten eatables including vegetables. Shopkeepers and vendors were warned to stay away from hoarding and black marketing or they will be punished under law.

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