A high level meeting was held on Wednesday to discuss the Aadhaar enrollment in the state. Chief Secretary, B B Vyas chaired the meeting here to review the progress of Aadhaar enrolment.
Administrative Secretaries, IT, School Education, Social Welfare, Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir and other officers were present. Divisional Commissioner, Jammu and senior UIDAI functionaries participated in the meeting through video conferencing.
It was noted that till date 90% Aadhaar enrolment has been completed in above 18 year age group, 50% in age group of 5-18 years and less than 1 % in the below 5 year age group.
Since various welfare and subsidy programmes administered by various Ministries of Government of India have been brought under the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Mode, Chief Secretary called on the concerned to take the completion of Aadhaar enrolment of the remaining population of the State in a mission mode.
“Digitization of beneficiary date, Aadhaar seeding, linking Aadhaar to beneficiary bank account is essential to ensure that public services are delivered to the beneficiaries seamlessly”, he said.
Chief Secretary urged Divisional Commissioners of both the divisions to extend full support to the vendors in meeting monthly targets of Aadhaar enrolment. The Aadhaar enrolment target for the next 30 days was also fixed.
To fast track Aadhaar enrolment of 0 to 18 years age group, Chief Secretary directed Social Welfare department to designate a Nodal Officer for the purpose. Besides, the Nodal officer of school education department was asked to liaise with the UIDAI officials for starting the training programme of officials of the department who will later carry out Aadhaar enrolment of students in school cluster centers.