Shadows of Screens: The Harsh Reality of Vlogging’s Impact on Kashmiri Youth

Shadows of Screens: The Harsh Reality of Vlogging’s Impact on Kashmiri Youth

The emergence of vlogging as a trend among Kashmiri youth marks a significant shift in how young people engage with technology and express themselves in a region known for its breathtaking natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. With smartphones and affordable internet access becoming increasingly ubiquitous, vlogging has opened up new avenues for self-expression and storytelling. Through their vlogs, Kashmiri youth showcase not only the scenic landscapes of their homeland but also their daily lives, aspirations, and unique perspectives, providing viewers around the world with a glimpse into the realities of life in Kashmir.
However, alongside the excitement of building an online presence and gaining followers, concerns linger about the long-term implications of vlogging on the youth of Kashmir. While it offers a platform for self-expression and cultural exchange, there are also risks associated with exposure to online scrutiny, exploitation, and the potential for misinformation. Moreover, as vlogging becomes more ingrained in Kashmiri youth culture, questions arise about its impact on traditional forms of communication and community engagement. Balancing the opportunities afforded by vlogging with the preservation of local culture and values will be crucial in navigating its role in shaping the future of Kashmiri youth.
While vlogging in Kashmir presents opportunities for self-expression and connection, it also carries several negative implications, particularly concerning the addictive nature of online platforms and their potential to detrimentally impact the mental health and future prospects of Kashmiri youth. The allure of fame and recognition can lead to an unhealthy obsession with gaining followers and likes, creating a cycle of validation-seeking behaviour that detracts from real-world experiences and personal growth. As young Kashmiris spend increasing amounts of time curating their online personas and chasing digital popularity, they may neglect other aspects of their lives, such as education, relationships, and career development.
Moreover, the pervasive influence of vlogging culture can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and comparison among Kashmiri youth. Constant exposure to highly curated and often unrealistic representations of life on social media platforms can breed feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, as individuals compare their own lives to the seemingly perfect images presented by influencers and vloggers. This pressure to conform to unrealistic standards of beauty, success, and happiness can erode self-esteem and exacerbate mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, particularly among impressionable young people navigating the complexities of adolescence in a rapidly changing society.
Furthermore, the monetization of vlogging and the pursuit of online fame can divert Kashmiri youth from pursuing more sustainable and meaningful career paths. Instead of investing time and energy into acquiring valuable skills and education, some may prioritize short-term gains in the form of sponsored content and brand partnerships, leading to a reliance on unstable and unpredictable sources of income. Additionally, the lack of regulation and oversight in the vlogging industry can leave young content creators vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation by unscrupulous individuals and companies seeking to profit from their online presence. As a result, the long-term prospects and financial stability of Kashmiri youth may be jeopardized by their immersion in the world of vlogging.
Thus, vlogging in Kashmir offers a platform for self-expression and connectivity, its negative repercussions cannot be overlooked. The addictive nature of online platforms can consume the attention and time of Kashmiri youth, hindering their personal growth and development in various aspects of life. Moreover, the culture of comparison fostered by vlogging can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and contribute to mental health issues among the younger generation. Additionally, the pursuit of online fame may divert attention from more sustainable career paths, jeopardizing the long-term prospects and financial stability of Kashmiri youth.
Moving forward, it’s essential to strike a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of vlogging. Education and awareness programs can help young Kashmiris understand the potential pitfalls of excessive social media use and encourage them to prioritize real-world experiences and relationships. Furthermore, regulatory measures and ethical guidelines can be implemented to protect content creators from exploitation and ensure a safer online environment. Encouraging diversification of skills and promoting entrepreneurship beyond the realms of vlogging can also empower Kashmiri youth to pursue meaningful and sustainable career paths. By addressing these challenges proactively, Kashmiri society can harness the positive aspects of vlogging while mitigating its adverse effects on the well-being and future prospects of its youth.

The writer is a Ph.D scholar at the University of Kashmir. He can be reached at [email protected]

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