The senseless death of the most sensible among us: Abrar Reyaz

The senseless death of the most sensible among us: Abrar Reyaz

Wachkoo Hamid Iqbal & Muhsin Nabi Bhat As for his family and relatives, Abrar’s sudden demise was absolutely shocking for us. The sheer negligence of medical authorities at SMHS was the cause of his death. Abrar had grave head injuries for which he needed medical care but instead he was declared as Covid-19 positive and […]

Nothing is more needed than 4G internet

Nothing is more needed than 4G internet

Rayees Ahmad Kumar Internet is indispensable for education, business, health care services and communication, among many other things. The UN, to which India is a member state, has declared access to internet as a human right. It has further recommended that every country should make access to internet a fundamental human right. Indeed, access to […]

Will the ICC Investigation Bring Justice for Palestine

Ramzy Baroud & Romana Rubeo In the past there have been many attempts at holding accused Israeli war criminals accountable. Particularly memorable is the case of the late Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, (known, among other nicknames, as the ‘Butcher of Sabra and Shatila’) whose victims attempted to try him in a Belgian Court in […]

Divining Dreams

Divining Dreams

Rather Nasir Dreams have fascinated mankind from times immemorial. From pious prophets to scientists and philosophers, all have cherished dreams and divined messages in them. So, what are dreams? One definition was given by Sigmund Freud: “Dreams represent a disguised fulfilment of a repressed wish”. Freud believed that studying dreams provided the easiest road to […]

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations

Mariya Younis The initial days of the Covid-19 pandemic were horrific and frightening. With the passing of time, however, it has become a new normal. Life brings with it what not and we have to be strong to fight every battle that we face. This pandemic has taught us many lessons. Before this pandemic we […]

Kashmir: The Lost Shangrila

Kashmir: The Lost Shangrila

Bilal Ahmad Dar Kashmir has always been more than a mere place. It has the quality of an experience, or a state of mind, or perhaps an ideal. Jan Morris Kashmir used to attract tourists from around the country and around the world, not just because of its majestic and mesmerising natural beauty, but also […]

Deeds as important as faith in Islam

ASHRAF AMIN & ASIFA GUL The Prophet (SAW) is reported to have said that the believer is the one whose words are confirmed by his deeds. The laws of Allah are such that one who works sincerely and in a right direction always triumphs. Salvation, too, is the result of righteous deeds. All rightly guided […]

I was never a good salesman: Pavan Malhotra

Pavan Malhotra is a versatile actor who has been a celebrated contributor to the film industry for the past 25 years. From theatre to television to cinema, Malhotra has done it all. Some of his major roles have been in Children of War, Black Friday, Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro, Bagh Bahadur, and as ‘Hari’ […]

Some statistics on what alcohol does to individuals and society

Some statistics on what alcohol does to individuals and society

Rayees Ahmad ‘O you who believe! Intoxicants, gambling, and Al-Ansab and Al-Azlam (arrows for seeking luck or making decision) are an abomination of Shaitan’s handiwork, so avoid that in order that you may be successful.’ Quran 2:219 The recent news that the government is planning to open many liquor shops in Kashmir has drawn furious […]

To see a psychiatrist!

To see a psychiatrist!

Uzra Wani I was driving home alone. Suddenly, I felt a tightness in my chest and throat. It was getting difficult to breathe. I felt giddy. My face was numb. My body felt weak. Could this be a heart attack? I ended up at a hospital’s Accident and Emergency department. The routine blood test and […]