Think Before You Throw

Think Before You Throw

“I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.” —Mother Teresa Due to the rapid increase in population growth and urbanisation of Jammu and Kashmir in the last two decades, environmental pollution is increasing at a high pace. According to the census of 2011, the population […]

The lamentable Lal Koul

The lamentable Lal Koul

Aamir Altaf & Nisar Wani Lal Koul is a canal that flows from Bumhama through Drugmulla, Shalpora, Keegam and many other villages. Once this canal was an important source of irrigation for thousands of kanlas of paddy fields. The canal also lent a picturesque view to the landscape. In summer the children took bath in […]

China as the hegemon

China as the hegemon

MUDASIR ALI DAR Hegemony in the international system refers to a state’s ability to single-handedly dominate the rules and arrangements of international political and economic relations. Kindleberger argued that the economic chaos between WW1 and WW2 was partly because of the lack of a hegemonic world leader. Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST) argues that the stability […]

Problems Men Face After Marriage

Problems Men Face After Marriage

Rayees Ahmad Kumar Marriage is strongly recommended in Islam. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Marriage is a part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me.” He further said, “Whoever has the means, let him get married and whoever does not, then he should fast, for it will […]

The sterling work of nurses at last being appreciated

The sterling work of nurses at last being appreciated

Faaheem fayaz As rightly said by Martin H. Fischer for healthcare workers, “Our profession is the only one which works unceasingly to annihilate itself.” Healthcare professionals need to work tirelessly in this gruesome and melancholic situation of Covid-19 pandemic. Everyone’s hopes are bound to these workers and everyone looks up to them in case of […]

When ban on Chinese apps can, and cannot, be challenged in court

Chittarvu Raghu As a retaliatory measure consequent to the ‘Galwan Valley’ aggression, the Government of India invoked Section 69A of the Information Technology Act 2000 and banned 59 smart phone applications which include the popular TikTok and Cam Scanner. The reason cited was that these apps posed threat to the sovereignty and integrity of India. […]

Modern man and mobile phone: the inseparable

Bilal Ahmad Dar Cell phones are so convenient that they’re an inconvenience. Haruki Murakami Technology, as we know, has transformed our life. So much so that the modern man has become a kind of post-human. The life of this post-human man is utterly dependent on technology, particularly on the mobile phone. This phone has multiple […]

The senseless death of the most sensible among us: Abrar Reyaz

The senseless death of the most sensible among us: Abrar Reyaz

Wachkoo Hamid Iqbal & Muhsin Nabi Bhat As for his family and relatives, Abrar’s sudden demise was absolutely shocking for us. The sheer negligence of medical authorities at SMHS was the cause of his death. Abrar had grave head injuries for which he needed medical care but instead he was declared as Covid-19 positive and […]

Nothing is more needed than 4G internet

Nothing is more needed than 4G internet

Rayees Ahmad Kumar Internet is indispensable for education, business, health care services and communication, among many other things. The UN, to which India is a member state, has declared access to internet as a human right. It has further recommended that every country should make access to internet a fundamental human right. Indeed, access to […]

Will the ICC Investigation Bring Justice for Palestine

Ramzy Baroud & Romana Rubeo In the past there have been many attempts at holding accused Israeli war criminals accountable. Particularly memorable is the case of the late Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, (known, among other nicknames, as the ‘Butcher of Sabra and Shatila’) whose victims attempted to try him in a Belgian Court in […]