Covid-19: A Mixed Bag of Good and Bad

Covid-19: A Mixed Bag of Good and Bad

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused widespread concern, depression and anxiety among people all over the world. A report from the World Bank estimated that 11 million people could fall into poverty across East Asia and the Pacific (World Bank 2020). Household isolation and Covid-19 illness in families with newborn children, combined with disruption to vaccine […]

Educational challenges and opportunities in times of Covid

Educational challenges and opportunities in times of Covid

The Covid-19 pandemic has pushed the world to reinvent ways of coping with the ‘new normal’, as the coronavirus has disturbed every sphere of human life. The world was caught unawares when the pandemic erupted and governments across the world imposed a strict lockdown. Needless to say, the lockdown has taken a heavy toll, especially […]

Never lose the literary taste

Never lose the literary taste

When we start searching for quotations or articles on the necessity and importance of studying books, we find thousands such. Speeches have been given in various conferences and seminars regarding the importance of erudition in our lives. But still, studying books has become an abandoned habit in our society. Most people among us, especially our […]

Europe needs a healing touch

Europe needs a healing touch

The recent spate of terror attacks in Europe highlights a highly fragile relationship between European secularism and Islam. There is an urgent need to address this conflict, for Europe is clearly on edge. Islamist terror attacks targeting innocent civilians have highlighted the extremely worrying situation of law and order amidst growing worries over the civilisational […]

How to defeat epilepsy

How to defeat epilepsy

Epilepsy is the fourth most common chronic disorder of the brain. It is characterised by recurrent ‘seizures’ or ‘fits’. The seizures are caused due to sudden, excessive and abnormal electrical discharges in the brain cells. It can affect people of all ages; however, each individual has unique concerns and problems. Having seizures and epilepsy can […]

Non-invasive treatment to cure early spinal tumour

Non-invasive treatment to cure early spinal tumour

A young Meerut professional successfully celebrated Diwali with his family after undergoing a complex surgery in his spinal cord, which otherwise could have been life threatening. After experiencing episodes of numbness and weakness in both his arms and legs, 34-year-old Aditya Bansal had made several local consultations, where MRI of the neck revealed a non-cancerous […]

What ‘Language Nutrition’ Does For a Child

What ‘Language Nutrition’ Does For a Child

Children always hear words spoken around them and to them, and these words determine their cognitive and emotional development Without language, be it of any kind, one cannot imagine living in a society collectively with other people. Language is not just important for daily conversations but also for creation of bonds and relationships, especially with […]

The death of my dearest cousin

The death of my dearest cousin

The pain of losing a loved one can feel devastating. You feel all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from utter shock, intense grief and profound disbelief, to guilt and deep sadness. The pain of losing someone forever will disrupt your psychology and physical health, making it a herculean task to even sleep, eat or […]

Future of American Democracy: Inequality, Polarisation and Violence

Future of American Democracy: Inequality, Polarisation and Violence

In January 2017, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)’s Democracy Index downgraded the state of democracy in the United States from “full democracy” to “flawed democracy”. The demotion of a country that has constantly prided itself, not only on being democratic but also on championing democracy throughout the world, took many by surprise. Some US pundits […]

The Utility and the Futility of the Gupkar Alliance

The Utility and the Futility of the Gupkar Alliance

History has been witness to the formation of various alliances in the politics of Jammu and Kashmir, from coordination committees to fronts united across ideologies. The declaration of the latest one, the Gupkar Alliance, is the pledge that “all our political activities will be subservient to the sacred goal of reverting to the status of […]