Ready to work with Netanyahu: Mansour Abbas splinters Arab vote in Israel

Ready to work with Netanyahu: Mansour Abbas splinters Arab vote in Israel

At a glance, it may appear that the split of Arab political parties in Israel is consistent with a typical pattern of political and ideological divisions which have afflicted the Arab body politic for many years. This time, however, the reasons behind the split are quite different. As Israel readies for its fourth general elections […]

Force not your child into a career

Force not your child into a career

We may have excelled almost in every field but I still feel, rather I have experienced, that we are way behind in one of the most important fields: education. I was strolling along the narrow, patchy road of my village when I met an elder neighbour after a long time. He was happy to see […]

Why were we created the way we are?

Why were we created the way we are?

A big question that has remained unanswered is why we were created? What is the reason behind our existence? I asked a few people the question. Some said we were created to suffer, some said we were made to praise God. But I say, why does God need us to praise Him? He is the […]

The pursuit of happiness is a curse in disguise

The pursuit of happiness is a curse in disguise

The progeny of Adam is a mere toy of mud if bereft of emotions. Had there been no emotions among the framework of bones and muscles, then man would have been only living in a physiological cage. Emotions elevate man many notches ahead of angels. Allah states in the holy Quran, “Verily, we have created […]

Verses of the Quran: Lessons in love, not war

Verses of the Quran: Lessons in love, not war

How insane Waseem Rizwi must be to suggest that the Quran promotes terrorism. If an obsessive lover kills for the “sake of love”, you don’t brand love to be in “crisis”, even though people have been killing in the name of love for centuries. For the past several years the world has been fixated on […]

Guarding society from social media

Guarding society from social media

Generally speaking, mass media are tools for the transfer of information or ideas to both the general and a specific public. As we are living in an age of information explosion, the role of mass media is even more important and crucial in setting the agenda and the representation of information and ideas. Experts of […]

The necessity of self-regulation and customary laws

The necessity of self-regulation and customary laws

Human life is governed by several laws and regulations. Their purpose is to make life secure and comfortable and also to make sure that we discharge our duties and obligations towards society properly. Human civilisation, right from its start, has progressed and climbed the ladder of growth and prosperity only because of obeying the laws […]

The recent changes in Juvenile Justice Act, 2015

The Juvenile Justice System is a legal framework that specifically deals with the rights of Juveniles and their protection. The Juvenile Justice Act, 2015, is a key legislation of this system. The Act has a long history of evolution. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2015 came into existence to bring the legislation at par […]

Two pioneering women educationists of Kashmir

Two pioneering women educationists of Kashmir

On March 8, International Women’s Day, I turned on my TV to watch my favourite breakfast show on DD Kashir, Good Morning JK. They had invited veteran women educationist Dr Ashraf Jelani as special guest on the occasion. From her conversation I could conclude that she was a woman who had worn many hats through […]

(Im)perfect 500 out of 500: Are we manufacturing marks-minting machines?

(Im)perfect 500 out of 500: Are we manufacturing marks-minting machines?

The 10th Class results were recently declared and a substantial number of students scored 500 out of 500. Then 12th Class results followed and the trend persisted. We must admit that it is a rare feat. Everyone celebrated. Social media was inundated with congratulatory messages. We must also hail the students. After all, it is […]