Growing madder and wiser in the lockdown

Growing madder and wiser in the lockdown

There used to be a time when I used to go to school every day, hang out with my friends every day, hug each other every day. We used to do stuff that we never thought would be so forbidden one day. Who would have thought that even going out for a while will be […]

Empowering people with disability in seeing to verify their votes

Empowering people with disability in seeing to verify their votes

Section 11 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, states that the Election Commission of India and the State Election Commissions shall ensure that all polling stations are accessible to persons with disabilities and all materials related to the electoral process are easily understandable by and accessible to them. The aforesaid act was […]

How opportunistic Mansour Abbas joined hands with avowed ‘Arab Killers’

How opportunistic Mansour Abbas joined hands with avowed ‘Arab Killers’

We are led to believe that history is being made in Israel following the formation of an ideologically diverse government coalition which, for the first time, includes an Arab party, Ra’am, or the United Arab List. If we are to accept this logic, the leader of Ra’am, Mansour Abbas, is a mover and shaker of […]

Caste system a major hurdle for marriages in Kashmir

Caste system a major hurdle for marriages in Kashmir

In Kashmir caste is called as Kram or Zaat. It is reflected in the surname of people, which indicates the community they belong to. In the medieval period many Hindus, Buddhists and Jains accepted Islam but their castes stayed with them and they are still known by these castes today in Kashmir. There are mainly […]

PMGKAY: Shielding the Vulnerable in Crisis

PMGKAY: Shielding the Vulnerable in Crisis

In a major relief to the poor amid this devastating Covid- 19 pandemic, Prime Minster Narendra Modi announced on Monday, 7th June, that the government has extended the PMGKAY scheme to distribute wheat and rice free of cost to about 80 crore people till November this year. Earlier in the month of April, the central […]

In overcrowded prisons, lives and mental health at risk, especially of Kashmiris

In overcrowded prisons, lives and mental health at risk, especially of Kashmiris

The catastrophic second wave of Covid-19 across India has posed the gravest challenge to the country since the Partition in terms of loss of human lives and a crisis too big to manage. These are testing times for people and for democracy as well. India claims its place in the list of greatest democracies in […]

(Belated) Happy Father’s Day, Baba Sobia Khatoon

(Belated) Happy Father’s Day, Baba Sobia Khatoon

My dear Baba, Most often, I start off my writings with the dictionary definition of a particular word, a word that’s the main theme of that particular piece I’m writing. So, today I would like to start off this letter by providing the Oxford Dictionary definition of the word “Gratitude”: the quality of being thankful; […]

How Gaza Dethroned the King of Israel

How Gaza Dethroned the King of Israel

How did Benjamin Netanyahu manage to serve as Israel’s longest-serving Prime Minister? With a total of 15 years in office, Netanyahu surpassed the 12-year leadership of Israel’s founding father, David Ben Gurion. The answer to this question will become particularly critical for future Israeli leaders who hope to emulate Netanyahu’s legacy, now that his historic […]

Restoring forest and aquatic ecosystems and mined areas

Restoring forest and aquatic ecosystems and mined areas

We cannot survive a single day without the natural environment. It is the only thing that makes life possible and sustainable. Thus it is important that we take care of the ecosystem of the natural environment. Ecosystem restoration is the renewing of a degraded, damaged, or destroyed ecosystem through active human intervention. Restoration ecology emerged […]

Tips on exploring the unexplored Chiranbal

Tips on exploring the unexplored Chiranbal

The best way to spend a vacation is to go to the hills. When the plains get too hot to bear, we look to the hills for relief. Throughout the year we fantasise about the hills. Last week we chose to visit Chiranbal, a hill station in Kulgam district with the coordinates of 33°35’47″N & […]