Digital Literacy Challenges and Opportunities

Digital Literacy Challenges and Opportunities

Schools are getting transformed into smart schools and online, on-demand, learner-centered learning is a universal reality. Hence, digital literacy is the fundamental pre-requisite to be successful as a teacher in every aspect of educational life. Digital literacy is the engine of today’s civilisation and the driving force of the information age. Digitally literate teachers see […]

Moral education: ‘The positive teaching’

Moral education: ‘The positive teaching’

Moral education is teaching student about human values and virtues, including honesty, kindness, generosity, courage, freedom, equality, and respect to everyone. The goal is to raise students to become morally responsible, self-disciplined citizens. Moral education aims at the development of moral values through which children develop good attitudes and behaviour toward other people in society. […]

Antimicrobial Resistance: A Global Threat Demanding Immediate Collective Action

Antimicrobial Resistance: A Global Threat Demanding Immediate Collective Action

Antimicrobial Resistance, lest not addressed effectively, will render useless the progress made in the field of medicine to counter diseases caused by microbes and will put life in any form at severe risk in addition to putting medical researchers at neck-breaking stress. Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) arises when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites metamorphose with the […]

Virtues of the Water Chestnut (Singhara)

Virtues of the Water Chestnut (Singhara)

Water caltrop or water chestnut, Trapa Natans is a fruit of an aquatic weed. It has a single large white-coloured edible seed. In India it is known as singhara or paniphal. Singhara, “the only fat and gluten free nut”, is locally known as Gaer in Kashmir. It is a native to Europe, Asia, and Africa. […]

Why don’t they print as much money as they want?

Why don’t they print as much money as they want?

In spite of having the printing resources, why does a country still can’t print unlimited money and give it to its population, pay off its debts, combat the recession? Why can’t an impoverished country simply print more money and become wealthy? There are no restrictions on a government to print money. Why don’t they print […]

Russia is Ready to Replace France in West Africa

Russia is Ready to Replace France in West Africa

Finally, France will be leaving Mali, nearly a decade after the original military intervention in 2013. The repercussions of this decision will hardly be confined to this West African nation, but will likely spread to the entirety of the Sahel Region; in fact, the whole of Africa. France’s decision to end its military presence in […]

World shouldn’t forget the Rohingya refugee crisis even during this Ukraine war

World shouldn’t forget the Rohingya refugee crisis even during this Ukraine war

The Rohingya and Afghan refugee issues are also currently important international issues. More than 1.1 million Rohingyas have taken refuge in Bangladesh since August 2017 due to genocide and ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. About 50,000 newborn Rohingya children are added to it every year. Earlier, the Rohingya had been subjected to systematic discrimination, deprivation of […]

Ukrainian Conflict and Western Oil Cartels

Ukrainian Conflict and Western Oil Cartels

As long as Russia owns its own oil, the western oil cartels and the US empire’s monopoly over the price of oil is vulnerable, so they want to expand NATO into Ukraine as a first step towards colonising Russia The conflict in Ukraine is not about national sovereignty. It’s about oil cartels establishing monopoly. Let […]

War and civilian killings through the crooked spectacles of western media

War and civilian killings through the crooked spectacles of western media

Daniel Hannan of The Daily Telegraph argued, “This time, war is wrong because the people look like us and have Instagram and Netflix accounts. It’s not in a poor, remote country anymore.” War is perhaps the highest category of human disaster. It wipes out everything which comes in its way and be it poor, rich, […]

Gender equality in J&K: A distant dream but an achievable one

Gender equality in J&K: A distant dream but an achievable one

International days are occasions and opportunities to educate people around the world on issues of public concern, to mobilise political will and resources to address global issues, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The days act as effective advocacy tools. International Women’s Day is observed on March 8 every year. The theme for […]