Demarche served to Turkey

New Delhi: India on Monday issued a strong demarche to Turkey over its President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s comments expressing concern over the prevailing situation in Kashmir and comparing the “struggle” of Kashmiri people with that of the fight by the Turkish during the World War I. In a strongly worded statement, the Ministry of External […]

Modi rules out rethink on decisions on Art 370, CAA ‘despite pressure’

VARANISI: Ruling out any rethink on decisions on CAA and Article 370, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday asserted that his government remains and will remain firm on the steps despite pressure from all sides. “Be it the scrapping of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir or the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), the country waited […]

Jaishankar meets US peace envoy for Afghanistan, Saudi counterpart in Munich

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar held several meetings on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, including with the US special envoy on Afghan reconciliation and the Saudi foreign minister, and discussed regional and global issues with them. “Met @US4AfghanPeace Zalmay Khalilzad at #MSC2020. Appreciated his update on the Afghanistan negotiations,” Jaishankar tweeted. In another […]

Don’t worry, one democracy will settle it: Jaishankar to US Senator on Kashmir

Munich: In a firm repartee, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar told a senior US Senator that India will “settle” the Kashmir issue on its own when the American lawmaker brought up the issue during an interaction at the Munich Security Conference. Referring to the Kashmir issue during a panel discussion, Senator Lindsey Graham said the […]

Pulwama attack anniversary: What happened to probe, ask Rahul, Yechury

New Delhi: The Pulwama attack was at the centre of a bitter war of words between the opposition and the BJP on Friday with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi asking who benefitted from the strike and the ruling party accusing him of being a “known sympathiser” of LeT and JeM. While the Congress as well as […]

Man hands over urn containing soil from houses of soldiers killed in Pulwama attack to CRPF

Srinagar: A man from Maharashtra handed over an urn containing soil collected from the homes of each soldier killed in the Pulwama attack last year to the CRPF on Friday. The urn was placed at the wreath-laying ceremony at the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) campus in the Lethpora camp here to mark a year […]

Everyone free to visit J&K: Shah

New Delhi: Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday said statements like ‘goli maro’ and ‘Indo-Pak match’ should not have been made by BJP leaders while campaigning for the Delhi Assembly elections and that such remarks may have cost the party dearly. He, however, said the BJP does not fight elections just for victory or defeat […]

No restrictions on visit of any Indian citizen to J&K: Govt

New Delhi: There are no restrictions on visit of any Indian citizen to Jammu and Kashmir, the government informed Parliament on Tuesday. In response to a question seeking to know the time by which the government proposes to allow Indian delegates to visit Jammu and Kashmir, Minister of State for Home Affairs G Kishan Reddy […]

India slams Kashmir reference in Pak-Malaysia joint statement

New Delhi: India on Thursday reacted sharply to the reference to Jammu and Kashmir in a Pakistan-Malaysia joint statement, saying the Malaysian leadership should develop a better understanding of facts and acknowledge that Pakistan remains an epicentre of global terrorism. Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said India completely rejects the references made with […]

Right to Internet not fundamental: Prasad

New Delhi: Misconception about the right to Internet being a fundamental right needs to be cleared, Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said in Rajya Sabha on Thursday, emphasising that the country’s security was equally important. Communications, Information Technology, Electronics and Law and Justice Minister Prasad during the Question Hour said communication of ideas and views […]