How Netanyahu’s Corruption has Exposed Israel’s ‘Democracy’

How Netanyahu’s Corruption has Exposed Israel’s ‘Democracy’

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his prosecutors are reportedly finalizing the details of a plea deal that would practically water down, shelve, or drop altogether all three major corruption cases that have led to his high-profile trial in May 2020. If such news actualizes, Israel would officially sink to a new low in […]

In South Africa as in Palestine: Why We Must Protect the Legacy of Desmond Tutu

In South Africa as in Palestine: Why We Must Protect the Legacy of Desmond Tutu

Long before intersectionality became a prevailing concept which helped delineate the relationship between various marginalized and oppressed groups, late South Africa’s Archbishop Desmond Tutu said it all in a few words and in a most inimitable style. “My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together,” he said. Like other […]

How Israel’s ‘Facebook Law’ Plans to Control All Palestinian Content Online

How Israel’s ‘Facebook Law’ Plans to Control All Palestinian Content Online

It is ironic that even former right-wing Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, had rejected a Knesset (Israeli Parliament) bill which proposed to give the government greater power to control and suppress online content. This was in 2016, and the bill was introduced by Netanyahu’s Likud party rival, Gideon Sa’ar. Some analysts argued that Netanyahu had […]

The Real ‘Doomsday Scenario’: How Palestinian Hunger Striker Abu Hawash Forced Israeli Concession

As soon as media reports emerged regarding a deal between Palestinian prisoner, Hisham Abu Hawash and the Israeli prison authorities, Israeli extremists, led by Knesset member Itamar Ben-Gvir, angrily raided the Assaf Harofeh Hospital where Abu Hawash was being held. A Palestinian political activist, Abu Hawash, 41, is a father of five. He was arrested […]

Coming This 2022: Refugees, Democracy and Human Rights

Coming This 2022: Refugees, Democracy and Human Rights

Although 2021 is now behind us, there are many issues that will linger for a while, or much longer, and will certainly dominate much of the news in 2022, as well. These are but a few of the issues. NATO-Russian Brinkmanship Exasperated with NATO expansion and growing ambitions in the Black Sea region, Moscow has […]

Endgame in Golan

Endgame in Golan

As Israel plots endgame in occupied Golan, Bennett must remember lessons of the past With Syria still embroiled in its own war, Israel has been actively rewriting the rule book regarding its conduct in this Arab country. Gone are the days of a potential return of the illegally occupied Golan Heights to Syrian sovereignty in […]

Why the West Refuses to Accept China’s Superpower Status

Why the West Refuses to Accept China’s Superpower Status

An article by Gideon Rachman in the Financial Times last July is a prime example of western intelligentsia’s limited understanding of China’s unhindered rise as a superpower. “Becoming a superpower is a complicated business. It poses a series of connected questions about capabilities, intentions and will,” Rachman wrote. To help us understand what this claim […]

Why is Israel Amending Its Open-Fire Policy: Three Possible Answers

Why is Israel Amending Its Open-Fire Policy: Three Possible Answers

At the outset, the Israeli military decision to revise its open-fire policies in the occupied West Bank seems puzzling. What would be the logic of giving Israeli soldiers the space to shoot more Palestinians when existing army manuals had already granted them near-total immunity and little legal accountability? The military’s new rules now allow Isreali […]

The Combating Islamophobia Act: On Hate Crimes and ‘Irrational Fears’

The Combating Islamophobia Act: On Hate Crimes and ‘Irrational Fears’

The result of a vote, on December 14, in the US House of Representatives regarding the combating of Islamophobia, may, possibly, appear to be a positive sign of change, that Washington is finally confronting this socio-political evil. However, conclusions must not be too hasty. Disquietingly, Congress was nearly split on the vote. While 219 voted […]

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