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Importance And Educative Value Of The Press In The Present World Scenario  

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As the press is a pillar of democracy and beacon of accountability, let’s explore the challenges and responsibilities of a free media in a digital age.

The press enables journalists, media outlets and citizens to express and disseminate information without any pressure or interference. This liberty is crucial to the health of a democracy, allowing for the free flow of ideas, holding those in power accountable, and providing a platform for marginalized voices. It serves as a medium for ensuring transparency and accountability. In an age where information is more accessible than ever, the implications of a free press are very important, influencing everything from public policy to individual liberties. It gives the printer or publisher exclusive control over what the publisher chooses to publish, including the right to refuse to print anything for any reason.

The concept of freedom of the press dates back to ancient Greece and Rome, where philosophers and writers enjoyed relative freedom to express their thoughts. However, it wasn’t until the 17th and 18th centuries that the idea gained significant interest. The English Bill of Rights (1689) and the United States’s First Amendment (1791) embodied freedom of the press as a fundamental right. Still, there are the persons in the society who can go for morning meals, but not the morning paper. This speaks of its popularity. Of course the chief function of a newspaper is to provide news from all the four corners of the world. Because of the wide publicity it enjoys, a newspaper is the real recorder of the public voice. The various articles and letters to the editor that are published in the columns of a newspaper show the workings of the mind of the public, its grievances and its appreciation of the doings of the Government.

A newspaper is a great means of propaganda when some calamity has befallen. By ceaseless agitation through the columns of a paper, the press can assist in raising public funds, charities and other endowments to relieve the sufferers of their distress. The press is a great boon to today’s businessmen. Through the advertisement columns of a paper, one can sell or buy goods. The quotation of market prices serves another useful end. They enable a person to know the conditions of the world market.

The pen is mightier than the sword. More important than the armies of the battleground are the newspaper editors who carry on the propaganda in favour of their own country. A good newspaper is also an important part of literature. It can have a great educative value and can act as a great source of information. It contains valuable articles on scientific inventions, art, literature, politics etc. A newspaper also contains advertisements. It brings together the master and the servant, the government and the governed, the buyer and the seller. But the press has also heavy responsibilities to discharge. It must be above all prejudices or bias. The press should always be on the side of truth and justice. Newspapers mould public opinion. The majority of the readers are uncritical. They do not think by themselves. They read the newspapers which guide their opinions. So the press has a great responsibility in exercising its duty. No democratic country or government can long withstand strong public opinion on any issue. Thus a poet has rightly said

Mightiest of the mighty means

On which the arms of progress leans

Man’s noblest mission to advance,

His woes assuage, his weal enhance

His rights enforce, his wrongs redress

Mightiest of the mighty is the press

The main principles of the success of the press are that the journalists and media outlets should be free from external influence, intimidation or restrictions. Without such protections, powerful agencies could control, censor or manipulate the flow of information, undermining democracy, transparency and public accountability. The ability to publish and circulate information without any restraint or censorship. This refers to a media environment where journalists, broadcasters and other content creators can freely report, share opinions and disseminate information without facing censorship or other forms of interference. Access to information refers to the ability of journalists and media organisations to freely obtain, investigate and circulate information that is of public interest. The right to access information enables the media to hold governments, institutions and private organisations accountable and ensures that citizens are informed about critical matters affecting their lives.

Importance of press

A free press serves as a surveillance system and one of the primary and most essential functions of the media in a democratic society. This responsibility involves investigating, scrutinizing and exposing abuse of power, corruption or unethical behaviour by powerful agencies, corporations and other entities. Access to information enables citizens to make informed decisions and participate in the democratic process. It is one of the core functions of the media, serving as a key tool for public accountability and fostering an informed society. When the media promotes transparency, it ensures that information about government actions, corporate behaviour and social issues is openly available to the public.

A free press facilitates the exchange of ideas, encouraging public discourse and the development of informed opinions. Through its ability to disseminate information, present multiple viewpoints and facilitate discussions on critical issues, the media shapes public opinion and promotes civic engagement. By providing a platform for diverse voices, the media encourages citizens to participate in conversations about governance, policy, social justice and culture which strengthens the democratic processes. Censorship can be a significant challenge to the media, as it directly impacts the media’s ability to fulfil its role in a democratic society by providing information, fostering public debate, holding power accountable and promoting transparency. Corporate or state control of media outlets potentially limits diverse perspectives. This is also known as media consolidation, refers to the ownership of multiple media outlets or platforms by a few large corporations or individuals. This concentration of media ownership can have a significant impact on the diversity of viewpoints, editorial independence and overall health of democratic societies. Physical threats, harassment, or violence including the assassination of journalists is a critical concern in the media landscape, as journalists around the world face significant threats that jeopardise their ability to report freely and hold power accountable.

The impact of technology on the press

Technology has significantly transformed the landscape of press freedom, offering both opportunities and challenges. Its influence can be seen across several dimensions. Technology expanded the reach of the press beyond traditional media outlets, particularly the Internet and social media. Journalists can now distribute their stories to global audiences instantaneously, bypassing traditional ways. This freedom of the press allows more voices to be heard, including independent journalists and smaller news organizations that previously struggled to find a platform. The rise of smartphones and social media platforms has blurred the lines between professional journalism and citizen journalism. Ordinary citizens can now report on events as they unfold, often in real-time, and share these stories with a global audience. While this has increased the volume of information available, it also raises questions about the misinformation, accuracy and reliability of news since journalists may lack the training and ethics of professional reporters. Alongside the benefits of broader access, technology has also facilitated the spread of misinformation. Fake news can spread rapidly on social media, undermining public trust in legitimate journalism and the press.

From the above and in conclusion, it is clear that the press has a pivotal role to play in the growth and development of civilized societies. It has a great educative, social, ethical, moral, political and social role to play in the formation of a healthy and sound public opinion free of any prejudice or bias. It should be fair and impartial besides giving due weightage to the social, cultural, spiritual and moral values and beliefs of the society and country.

By Dr Shah Zubair Ahmad Akhoon

[email protected]

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