From Fun To Harm: Instagram Reels And Its Role In Promoting Vulgarity And Sexism

From Fun To Harm: Instagram Reels And Its Role In Promoting Vulgarity And Sexism

As Instagram Reels evolves from a creative outlet to a platform for controversial content, concerns rise about its impact on the development of young users. This highlights the need for improved content moderation and digital literacy.

In recent years, social media platforms have become an integral part of daily life for many individuals, especially the younger generation. Among these platforms, Instagram has gained immense popularity, and its feature, Instagram Reels, has particularly caught the attention of millions. Initially intended as a fun and creative way for users to share short videos, Instagram Reels has become a platform for self-expression and a powerful medium for influence. However, like many social media features, Reels has a dark side that is often overlooked: it has become a breeding ground for vulgarity and sexism, negatively impacting the development of children and teens.

Instagram Reels was introduced in August 2020 as a direct response to the growing popularity of TikTok, offering users the ability to create and share 15 to 60-second video clips set to music or audio. The feature quickly became a hit, allowing users to showcase their creativity and engage with their audience in a new way. For many young people, Reels became an exciting platform for fun challenges, dance routines, and comedic sketches. However, as the popularity of Reels grew, so did the spread of content that was not just fun and games.

One of the most concerning issues with Instagram Reels is the increasing prevalence of vulgar content. Vulgarity on Reels can take many forms, including explicit language, provocative dances, suggestive gestures, and inappropriate jokes. While some might argue that these are forms of self-expression or entertainment, they can have a damaging impact on younger viewers who are impressionable and still developing their understanding of appropriate behaviour and social norms.

Children and teens are particularly vulnerable to the effects of vulgar content. When they are exposed to inappropriate behaviour, they may begin to see it as acceptable or even desirable. This exposure can lead to normalisation, where vulgarity becomes a standard part of their communication and social interactions. For example, a study published in Paediatrics. found that children exposed to media with high levels of profanity were more likely to use profanity themselves and engage in aggressive behaviour.

The algorithms used by Instagram also play a significant role in promoting such content. The more engagement a Reel receives, the more likely it is to be shown to a broader audience. This means that content that is shocking, controversial, or provocative—often synonymous with vulgar—tends to get more views, likes, and shares. As a result, creators are incentivised to push the boundaries to gain visibility, leading to a vicious cycle of increasingly vulgar content.

In addition to vulgarity, sexism is another pervasive issue on Instagram Reels. Many videos perpetuate harmful stereotypes and objectify women, reinforcing outdated notions of gender roles and contributing to a culture of misogyny. This content often goes viral, reaching millions of users, including impressionable children and teenagers who may internalise these sexist messages.

Sexist content on Reels can take various forms, such as videos that ridicule women for their appearance, portray them as objects of male desire, or reinforce the idea that a woman’s value is primarily tied to her physical attractiveness. Additionally, some Reels promote toxic masculinity by glorifying aggressive behaviour, dominance, and control over others, particularly women.

This kind of content can have severe consequences for the self-esteem and development of young people, especially girls. It can lead to a skewed perception of their self-worth, where they feel pressured to conform to unrealistic beauty standards or behave in a way that caters to the male gaze. For boys, exposure to sexist content can reinforce harmful beliefs about gender roles, leading to disrespectful attitudes towards women and unrealistic expectations of masculinity.

The impact of vulgarity and sexism on Instagram Reels goes beyond influencing behaviour; it also affects the mental health and psychological development of children and teenagers. Studies have shown that exposure to inappropriate content on social media can contribute to anxiety, depression, body image issues, and other mental health problems.

For young girls, constant exposure to content that objectifies women or sets unrealistic beauty standards can lead to body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem. According to the “Journal of Youth and Adolescence”, adolescent girls who frequently use social media are more likely to report feeling dissatisfied with their bodies and experience a decrease in self-esteem. This is exacerbated by the fact that many Reels use filters and editing tools to create an unattainable level of perfection, making it even harder for young viewers to separate reality from fiction.

For boys, the reinforcement of toxic masculinity and aggression as desirable traits can lead to issues with anger management, difficulty expressing emotions, and unhealthy relationships. When boys are consistently exposed to content that glorifies dominance and devalues empathy or kindness, they may struggle to develop a healthy understanding of masculinity and interpersonal relationships.

Social media algorithms are designed to maximize engagement by showing users content they are likely to interact with. On Instagram Reels, this means that if a user interacts with or watches vulgar or sexist content, the algorithm will continue to serve them more of the same. This creates a feedback loop where users are repeatedly exposed to harmful content, further entrenching these ideas in their minds.

The problem is compounded by the fact that social media platforms, including Instagram, have been slow to address the spread of harmful content. While they have policies in place to remove explicit or abusive content, these policies are often inconsistently enforced, and many problematic videos slip through the cracks. Moreover, the definition of what constitutes “harmful” content can be subjective, leading to grey areas where vulgar or sexist Reels remain accessible to young audiences.

Influencers and content creators hold significant sway over the type of content that becomes popular on Instagram Reels. With millions of followers, influencers have the power to shape trends, set standards, and influence the behaviour and attitudes of their audience. Unfortunately, many influencers, in their quest for virality, resort to creating content that is provocative, vulgar, or sexist.

While some influencers genuinely aim to entertain and educate, others prioritize engagement over the potential impact of their content. This can have a detrimental effect on young viewers who look up to these influencers as role models. When influencers normalize vulgarity and sexism, they contribute to the broader cultural problem of desensitizing audiences to harmful content.

Influencers need to recognize their responsibility in shaping the digital environment and consider the potential consequences of their actions. By creating content that promotes positivity, respect, and inclusivity, influencers can play a pivotal role in countering the spread of vulgarity and sexism on platforms like Instagram Reels.

While social media platforms and influencers have a significant role to play in curbing the spread of vulgar and sexist content, parents and educators are also crucial in guiding children and teens through the digital landscape. Open communication about the content children and teens are exposed to online is essential. Parents and educators should encourage critical thinking and media literacy, helping young people understand the difference between reality and the often exaggerated or fictionalized content they see on social media.

Setting boundaries and guidelines for social media use can also be beneficial. For example, parents can use parental controls to limit exposure to inappropriate content and encourage time away from screens. Additionally, fostering an environment where children feel comfortable discussing their online experiences can help parents and educators identify and address any negative influences.

Promoting media literacy and digital citizenship is essential in helping young people navigate social media responsibly. Media literacy involves understanding how media messages are constructed, recognizing bias and persuasion tactics, and evaluating the credibility of content. By developing these skills, children and teens can become more discerning consumers of media and better equipped to identify and resist harmful content.

Digital citizenship encompasses the norms of appropriate and responsible behaviour online. It includes understanding the impact of one’s actions on social media, respecting others’ rights and privacy, and using technology in ways that are ethical and constructive. Educating young people about digital citizenship can help them navigate social media spaces with greater awareness and empathy, reducing the likelihood of engaging with or spreading vulgar and sexist content.

Schools, parents, and community organizations can play a vital role in fostering these skills through education and workshops. By equipping children and teens with the tools to critically evaluate social media content, we empower them to make healthier choices and contribute positively to the digital landscape.

Social media platforms like Instagram must take a more proactive approach to address the spread of vulgarity and sexism on their platforms. This includes implementing stricter content moderation policies, investing in more sophisticated algorithms that can better detect and flag harmful content, and providing users with more robust reporting tools.

Moreover, platforms should prioritize transparency in their content moderation practices, clearly communicating their policies and actions to users. This transparency can help build trust and ensure that users understand the community standards and the consequences of violating them.

Platforms can also collaborate with mental health organizations, educators, and parents to provide resources and support for young users navigating social media. By taking a more holistic approach, social media companies can help mitigate the negative impacts of their platforms on children’s and teens’ development.

While Instagram Reels can be a source of entertainment and creativity, it has also become a platform where vulgarity and sexism are too often glorified and normalized. This trend has significant implications for the development of children and teens, who are particularly vulnerable to the messages they encounter online.

To combat the spread of harmful content, it is crucial for social media platforms, influencers, parents, educators, and society as a whole to take collective responsibility. By promoting media literacy, setting boundaries, fostering open communication, and holding platforms accountable, we can create a safer and more respectful digital environment for all users. Ultimately, the goal should be to harness the positive potential of social media while protecting young people from its darker aspects.

The writer is a teacher at the Department of Education

By Ishtiyaq Rashid

[email protected]

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