PAPSK aghast at ‘unapproved’ fee hikes in private schools

Cites arbitrary increases in fees without FFRC’s approval, demands action

SRINAGAR: Parents of students attending various private schools in Kashmir are grappling with unexpected fee hikes and contentious disputes with school authorities, as many institutions have increased their tuition and transport fees without the necessary approval from the Fee Fixation and Regulation Committee (FFRC). The situation has escalated tensions between parents and private schools, prompting calls for immediate regulatory action.
For several years, under the tenure of Justice Attar, the FFRC was responsible for regulating and fixing the fee structure of private schools in Kashmir. This system ensured transparency and fairness in school fees. However, since Justice Hali took over as chairman of the FFRC in 2023, there has been no new fixation of fees, leaving a regulatory void that many private schools have exploited.
Parents Association of Private Schools Kashmir (PAPSK) has voiced their concerns, accusing private schools of arbitrarily increasing fees without FFRC’s sanction. According to the FFRC’s mandate, any fee hikes must be approved by the committee. However, the FFRC has yet to issue a new fee structure since March 2023.
PAPSK said it approached the chairman of the FFRC but received an “unsatisfactory” response. The committee’s stance was that any fees charged above the previously fixed rates would need to be adjusted or refunded once the new fee structure is established. This has left parents in a precarious position, as the current fee hikes are being levied without official sanction, leading to financial strain.
In addition to tuition fees, many private schools have raised their transport fees, surpassing the upper limit of Rs 2,000 set by the FFRC in previous orders, the PAPSK said in a press release issued here, adding, “This limit was established to prevent exorbitant charges and provide relief to parents struggling with education-related expenses. The blatant disregard for this cap has caused significant distress among families, many of whom are already under financial pressure.”
The PAPSK statement alleged, “Parents who have raised complaints about these violations have reported harassment and coercion from school authorities. In some cases, students have been barred from attending classes despite their fees being paid in advance, exacerbating the already tense situation. One parent recounted an incident where their child was prevented from attending school for nearly 20 days due to a dispute over fee payments.”
The situation has prompted widespread dissatisfaction with the FFRC’s response. Parents believe that the committee, which was established to protect their interests, has failed to address their grievances adequately. The lack of enforcement and the absence of a new fee structure have led to a situation where private schools operate with impunity, prioritising profit over educational welfare.
In light of these issues, the PAPSK is demanding an urgent resolution. They have called for the FFRC to finalise and publish the new fee structure for all private schools without further delay. Additionally, they are urging the FFRC to enforce strict penalties against any schools that continue to charge fees beyond the approved limits.
“The FFRC was set up to ensure fairness and protect parents from arbitrary fee increases,” said a spokesperson of PAPSK. “We expect the committee to act decisively and restore order to the fee structure. Education should be about service, not commercial gain,” he said.


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