Mpox danger signs: 6 severe symptoms to watch out for amid outbreak

NEW DELHI: The new and deadlier mpox strain Clade 1B has been leading the current surge of infections across several countries, even outside the African continent. As Thailand, Philippines, Sweden, Pakistan and a range of African countries report an outbreak of the zoonotic disease, it has been declared a global health emergency by WHO (World Health Organization).

Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox has an incubation period of 3-17 days and begins with fever, chills, body ache and flu-like symptoms, followed by a rash that goes through four stages – macular, papular, vesicular, to pustular—before scabbing over and desquamation. While the disease resolves on its own and mostly needs symptomatic management, it could take a severe turn and turn life-threatening in many cases.

According to WHO, newborn babies, children, people who are pregnant and those with underlying immune deficiencies such as from advanced HIV disease may be at higher risk of more serious mpox disease and death.

Here are six severe mpox symptoms you need to watch out for:

Inflammation inside rectum

Mpox rash may spread to the face, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, groin, genital or anal regions. It is not uncommon to find these lesions in the mouth, throat, anus, rectum or vagina, or on the eyes. Some people may develop proctitis or inflammation inside the rectum which can cause severe pain, as well as inflammation of the genitals that may lead to trouble in urinating.

Severe bacterial infection from skin lesions

One of the mpox complications that is often lesser discussed is the severe bacterial infection that may occur from skin lesions. According to PMC Mpox Collection, the natural progression of the skin lesions with ulceration might create a portal of entry for bacterial skin infections and could lead to morbidity in patients.

Brain inflammation

Encephalitis is an unusual complication of monkeypox virus infection. Patients with a certain condition called PVEM (Picornavirus-associated Encephalomyelitis) often develop neurological symptoms in the second week which includes – Encephalitis (brain inflammation), Myelitis (spinal cord inflammation), and Meningitis (inflammation of the lining around the brain and spinal cord.

Research suggests that the virus may not directly cause the neurological symptoms, but rather triggers an immune response that mistakenly attacks the protective covering of nerve fibers (myelin), leading to inflammation and damage.

Lung infections

Mpox may present with respiratory complications in vulnerable group. The symptoms include cough, Shortness of breath, chest pain, dyspnea, acute tonsillitis, and bronchopneumonia. These complications can occur in people who are unvaccinated, immunocompromised, or living with HIV.

Myocarditis or inflammation of the heart muscle

Mpox can affect the heart’s ability to pump blood in rare cases. Myocarditis or inflammation of the heart muscle can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and rapid or irregular heartbeats. A serious condition, it can inflame myocardium or the muscular layer of the heart. This increases the risk of heart failure, dilated cardiomyopathy, and acute arrhythmia.

Eye problems

While mild eye problems due to monkeypox virus like conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and focal conjunctival lesions get resolves on their own, in rare cases it leads to corneal ulcerations, photophobia, and keratitis, which can even cause visual impairment and visual loss.


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