New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi attacked the Congress-led opposition saying that they couldn’t do away with the provision in Jammu and Kashmir, adding that Article 370 had taken away people’s rights.
Referring to the abrogation of Article 370, Prime Minister Narendra Modi attacked the Congress-led opposition saying that they couldn’t do away with the provision in Jammu and Kashmir, adding that Article 370 had taken away people’s rights.
“The people who worship Article 370, those who have made it a weapon of vote bank politics, had made the condition of Jammu and Kashmir such that they had snatched the rights of the people there. The Constitution of India could not enter the borders of J&K and the people who dance around with the Constitution on their heads here do not have the courage to implement it in J&K.”
PM Modi highlighted the transformation since the abrogation of Article 370: “It was the era of 370, stones were pelted on the Army and people used to say in despair that now nothing can happen in J&K.
“Today the wall of Article 370 has fallen, stone pelting has stopped, democracy is strong and people are coming forward in large numbers to vote, trusting the Constitution of India, trusting the flag of India, trusting the democracy of India. It is clearly visible, that this confidence has been created in 140 crore countrymen.”