Students of CUK Protest Against Exorbitant Fee Hike,Poor Infrastructure

Students of CUK Protest Against Exorbitant Fee Hike,Poor Infrastructure


Ganderbal: Students of Central University Kashmir staged a protest outside the Tulmulla campus on Tuesday against massive hike in their fees and lack of basic facilities in the campus.

Scores of students gathered at the Tulmulla campus, chanting slogans and holding banners that read, “Fee Hike Rolled Back” and “Education is a Right, Not a Privilege.”
The protesters claimed that the university had increased the fees by a significant margin, making it difficult for many students to continue their education.

Protesting students said that they are not against the university but are against the exorbitant fees being charged while not providing basic facilities on the campus, such as clean drinking water, functional washrooms, and new campus buildings.

The students alleged that the fee hike had put an immense financial burden on them and their families. They claimed that the administration had failed to provide any relief or support to the students, despite their repeated requests. “They have turned a deaf ear to our pleas,” said student Samia Jan. “We are left with no option but to protest and demand justice.”

Protesting students said they would not back down until their demands are met. “We will fight for our right to education and basic facilities on the campus and ensure that it is accessible to all,” they said.

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