The Emerging Threats Among Youth In Kashmir: An Urgent Call For Action

The Emerging Threats Among Youth In Kashmir: An Urgent Call For Action

The Kashmir Valley is facing a series of emerging social issues that are threatening the well-being of its youth. Beyond the well-documented drug menace, new concerns are surfacing: gang wars among school-going boys, cigarette smoking, mobile addiction, and the rising trend of online gaming. These issues, if not addressed promptly, could have long-lasting detrimental effects on the social fabric of the region. This article delves into these burgeoning problems and proposes a comprehensive strategy to mitigate them.
The Emerging Menaces
1. Gang wars among school boys
Gang Wars on are the rise in every public place including tourist spots, playgrounds and in schools. A good number of reports indicate a disturbing rise in gang-related activities among school-going boys up to the age of 18. These gangs often engage in violent confrontations, leading to a climate of fear and insecurity in schools and neighbourhoods. The allure of gang life, driven by a desire for power, protection, and identity, is proving irresistible for many adolescents. These young boys are confronting without an iota of fear, they use sharp-edged weapons with the intent to kill as a few incidents have been covered by different media agencies.
2. Cigarette smoking
Cigarette smoking among teenagers in Kashmir is becoming increasingly common. Peer pressure, easy access to tobacco products, and a lack of awareness about the health risks are contributing factors. This habit, if not curbed early, can lead to a lifetime of addiction and severe health issues. Ban on sale of cigarette smoking as laid down by different Law enforcing agencies at few places like sale near schools etc must be imposed in letter and spirit & those involved must be deterred severely.
3. Mobile addiction
The advent of smartphones has brought with it a new challenge: mobile addiction. Young people are spending excessive hours on their phones, often at the expense of their studies, physical activities, and social interactions. This addiction is leading to various problems, including poor academic performance, sleep disorders, and social isolation. Parents must avoid giving un necessarily Smart Phones to their young ones and in case if given they must be monitored properly by the elders of the family.
4. Online gaming
Online gaming has become a significant pastime for many youths in Kashmir. While gaming in moderation can be a harmless form of entertainment, excessive gaming can lead to addiction, behavioural issues, and a disconnect from the real world. The virtual rewards and escapism offered by these games are captivating young minds, making it difficult for them to focus on more productive activities. These online games are not limited to amuse games but to the extent of betting games. It has been reported that these young boys have lost 100 crore in one of the betting games, creating hardships, economic crises and a surge in Juvenile delinquency in society.
The way forward
Addressing these issues requires a multi-faceted approach involving parents, educators, community leaders, and policymakers. Here are some strategies that can help mitigate these problems:
i. Strengthening Family Bonds
Families play a crucial role in shaping the behaviour and values of children. Parents need to foster open communication, spend quality time with their children, and set clear boundaries regarding acceptable behaviour. Parental guidance and support can deter children from seeking validation and belonging in harmful peer groups or online communities.
ii. Educational Reforms
Schools should implement comprehensive programs that focus on the holistic development of students. This includes:
• Anti-Gang Education: Schools should provide education on the dangers of gang involvement and promote positive alternatives for social engagement.
• Health Education:
Incorporating health education into the curriculum can raise awareness about the risks of smoking and substance abuse.
• Digital Literacy: Teaching students about responsible internet use and the dangers of mobile addiction can help them develop healthier online habits.
iii. Community Engagement
Community leaders and organizations should work together to create safe and supportive environments for young people. This can involve:
1. Establishing youth centers that offer recreational activities, counselling services, and mentorship programs.
2. Promoting sports, arts, and cultural activities to engage youths in positive and constructive ways.
3. Running campaigns to educate the community about the issues of gang violence, smoking, and digital addiction.
iv. Policy Interventions
Policymakers need to create and enforce regulations that address these issues effectively:
 Regulating Tobacco Sales: Enforcing stricter regulations on the sale of tobacco products to minors and conducting regular checks on vendors.
 Online Gaming Regulation: Implementing measures to regulate online gaming, including age restrictions and time limits.
 Support Services: Providing funding for mental health services and addiction treatment programs tailored to the needs of young people.
v. Counseling and Support Services:
Professional counselling services should be made readily available to youths facing these issues. Schools can employ counsellors to provide regular sessions and create a safe space for students to discuss their problems. Additionally, community centres can offer support groups and workshops for both youths and their parents.
The emerging threats of gang wars, cigarette smoking, mobile addiction, and online gaming among the youth in Kashmir Valley require immediate attention and action. By adopting a holistic approach that involves family, education, community, and policy interventions, we can create a safer and healthier environment for our young people. It is imperative that all stakeholders work together to address these issues and ensure a brighter future for the next generation.
The writer is a practising lawyer and can be reached at [email protected]

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