World Father’s Day: Honoring the Unsung Heroes

World Father’s Day: Honoring the Unsung Heroes

On June 16, 2024, World Father’s Day is celebrated globally to acknowledge and appreciate the vital role of fathers in families and society. This special occasion is dedicated to honouring the sacrifices, dedication, and love that fathers provide. Observed on the third Sunday of June each year, Father’s Day is an opportunity to recognize the tireless efforts of fathers who play a pivotal role in shaping their children’s lives. This day is not just about gifts and cards but about appreciating the profound impact that fathers have on their families and society at large. Although different nations observe this day on various dates, over 111 countries have adopted the United States’ tradition of celebrating it on the third Sunday in June. In India, for example, children give cards, gifts, and flowers to their fathers, and some spend the day dining out and enjoying quality time together.
Father’s Day is a holiday commemorating dads and fatherhood, reflecting the similar sentiments found in Sibling’s Day, Mother’s Day, Family Day, and Parent’s Day. A father is a role model, mentor, superhero, friend, and protector who is always there for his children. Fathers teach us the true meaning of life, pick us up when we fall, and give us the courage to try again. Every year, Father’s Day is observed worldwide to honour the sacrifices and love of fathers. The father figure is revered in almost every religion and culture because of the essential role fathers play in nurturing and raising children. Many people celebrate Father’s Day by reminiscing about their childhood memories with their fathers and giving them gifts such as flowers, fitness gadgets, gardening tools, and organizing surprise parties or dinners to make their fathers happy. This day is an excellent opportunity to show gratitude and appreciation to our fathers, making them feel cherished and acknowledged.
In celebrating Father’s Day, we find profound guidance in both the Quran and Hadith that emphasizes the respect, love, and gratitude owed to our fathers. The Quran states, “And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination” (Quran 31:14). This verse underscores the importance of recognizing the sacrifices and contributions of both parents. Additionally, the Hadith reinforces this sentiment, with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stating, “The father is the middle of the gates of Paradise, so keep to this gate or lose it” (Tirmidhi). This Hadith highlights the significance of honoring one’s father as a means of attaining spiritual success. Together, these teachings remind us to express our love, respect, and appreciation for our fathers not just on Father’s Day, but every day, acknowledging their role as the unsung heroes in our lives.
In Hinduism, fathers are often revered as ‘Pitru,’ embodying the pillars of wisdom, guidance, and support. The day is marked with rituals, such as offering prayers and performing ‘Pitr Tarpan’ to honour the spirits of ancestors, expressing gratitude for their protection and blessings. Children might also give gifts, cook special meals, or recite scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita to convey their respect and affection. Similarly, in Sikhism, the concept of ‘Seva’ (selfless service) is integral to the father-child relationship. Fathers are celebrated for their sacrifices, moral teachings, and unwavering commitment to the family’s well-being. Sikh families often visit Gurdwaras to offer prayers and partake in ‘Langar’ (community kitchen), reinforcing the values of humility and service that fathers instil. The recitation of Gurbani and the singing of hymns also form a part of the celebration, creating an atmosphere of spiritual reflection and communal harmony. In both religions, Father’s Day becomes a time to honour the unsung heroes whose relentless dedication shapes the moral and spiritual foundation of their families, reflecting a profound sense of respect and gratitude transcending generations.
In Christianity, Father’s Day holds a special significance as a day to express gratitude for fathers, reflecting on their role as providers, protectors, and mentors within the family unit. The day is often marked by prayers and heartfelt thanks in churches, emphasizing the values of love, sacrifice, and guidance that fathers exemplify. In Judaism, Father’s Day echoes the biblical teachings of honouring one’s father, resonating with traditions that emphasize the importance of familial bonds and the wisdom passed down through generations. Jewish communities may observe the day with special blessings and family gatherings, highlighting the paternal influence in shaping values and faith. In Buddhism, Father’s Day embodies respect and gratitude towards fathers for their nurturing presence and guidance. It aligns with Buddhist principles of filial piety and compassion, emphasizing the importance of familial harmony and the virtues instilled by fathers in their children’s spiritual and moral development. Across these diverse religious contexts, Father’s Day serves as a universal celebration of paternal love, sacrifice, and the enduring legacy of wisdom that fathers impart to future generations.
The theme of World Fathers’ Day 2024 is “Father’s Day isn’t just about honouring one’s biological father; it’s also about recognizing all father figures.” This day encourages us to spend time with those we consider deserving of the title of father, even if they are not our biological or legal dads. In two significant ways, Father’s Day impacts our lives: it allows us to express gratitude to our fathers for their sacrifices and helps us understand the challenges of parenting. It also teaches us to be responsible while raising our children, as they will one day carry the weight of the nation. It is our moral duty to prepare them well for such responsibilities.
The Origins of Father’s Day
The celebration of Father’s Day has its roots in the early 20th century in the United States, inspired by the success of Mother’s Day. The first known Father’s Day celebration was held on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington, spearheaded by Sonora Smart Dodd. Inspired by the selfless devotion of her father, William Jackson Smart, a Civil War veteran and single parent, Dodd sought to create a day to honour fathers similarly.
Dodd’s initiative was influenced by a sermon she heard about Mother’s Day in 1909. She felt that her father deserved recognition for the efforts he made in raising her and her siblings single-handedly after their mother passed away. She proposed the idea to local churches, the YMCA, and shopkeepers, and received widespread support for her proposal.
The idea gradually gained popularity, and in 1924, President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father’s Day. However, it was not until 1966 that President Lyndon B. Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation designating the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. Finally, in 1972, President Richard Nixon signed it into law as a permanent national holiday in the United States. This recognition marked the official establishment of a day dedicated to honouring fathers and their contributions.
While the origins of Father’s Day are rooted in the United States, the tradition quickly spread to other countries, each adapting the celebration to its own cultural contexts. In the early years, the holiday was sometimes met with scepticism, as some perceived it as a commercial gimmick designed to increase sales of men’s goods. However, over time, the genuine sentiment behind the holiday has prevailed, and it has become a cherished occasion for many families around the world.
The Role of Fathers in Modern Society
Fathers today wear many hats: they are providers, caregivers, mentors, and role models. The traditional image of fathers as the sole breadwinners has evolved significantly. Modern fathers are increasingly involved in all aspects of parenting, from changing diapers to attending parent-teacher meetings. This shift reflects broader changes in societal norms and gender roles.
Emotional Support: One of the most crucial roles a father plays is providing emotional support to his children. A father’s love, guidance, and encouragement are vital in helping children develop confidence and self-esteem. Studies have shown that children with involved fathers are more likely to excel academically, socially, and emotionally. Fathers teach their children essential life skills and values, such as responsibility, perseverance, and integrity. The emotional bond between a father and his child can shape the child’s personality and outlook on life. Fathers who actively engage in their children’s lives contribute to their overall well-being and happiness. This emotional support is especially important during challenging times, as children often look to their fathers for strength and reassurance.
Balancing Work and Family: Balancing work and family life is one of the most significant challenges faced by modern fathers. With demanding careers and the increasing cost of living, many fathers struggle to find the time to spend with their families. Despite these challenges, countless fathers manage to strike a balance, ensuring that they are present for their children while fulfilling their professional responsibilities. Fathers who successfully balance work and family often employ various strategies, such as setting priorities, delegating tasks, and making conscious efforts to be present during family time. Employers also play a crucial role in supporting fathers by offering flexible working hours, remote work options, and paternity leave. These measures help fathers fulfil their parental duties without compromising their careers.
Single Fathers and Their Unique Challenges: While much focus is often placed on traditional two-parent households, it is essential to acknowledge the unique challenges faced by single fathers. Whether due to divorce, separation, or the death of a spouse, single fathers often bear the dual burden of being both provider and caregiver. This dual role can be overwhelming, yet many single fathers rise to the occasion, providing loving and nurturing environments for their children. Single fathers face unique challenges such as managing household chores, providing emotional support, and dealing with societal stereotypes. Despite these challenges, single fathers often develop strong bonds with their children, demonstrating resilience and dedication. Their experiences highlight the importance of support systems, such as family, friends, and community organizations, in helping them navigate their responsibilities.
Fatherhood Around the World
Father’s Day is celebrated in various ways across different cultures. In many countries, the day is marked by giving gifts, and cards, and spending quality time with fathers. However, the essence of the celebration remains the same: to honour and appreciate fathers for their contributions. In Australia and New Zealand, Father’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of September. In Brazil, it is observed on the second Sunday of August in honour of Saint Joachim, the patron saint of fathers. In Germany, Father’s Day (Vatertag) coincides with Ascension Day and is often celebrated with outdoor activities and social gatherings. These diverse traditions highlight the universal respect and admiration for fatherhood. In some cultures, Father’s Day celebrations are deeply rooted in religious or historical traditions. For example, in Thailand, Father’s Day is celebrated on December 5, the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who is considered the father of the nation. The day is marked by ceremonies, parades, and acts of charity. In contrast, in Russia, Father’s Day is combined with Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, honouring both fathers and men who serve in the military.
The Changing Perception of Fatherhood
Over the years, the perception of fatherhood has undergone significant changes. Today, there is a growing recognition of the importance of fathers’ involvement in their children’s lives. This shift is evident in popular culture, media representations, and public policies that support paternity leave and father-friendly workplaces.
Paternity leave policies have become a critical aspect of promoting active fatherhood. Countries like Sweden, Iceland, and Norway have implemented generous paternity leave policies, encouraging fathers to take time off work to bond with their newborns. These policies not only benefit the child and the father but also promote gender equality by challenging traditional gender roles in caregiving. In addition to paternity leave, there has been a growing emphasis on creating father-friendly workplaces that support work-life balance. Employers are increasingly recognizing the value of offering flexible working hours, remote work options, and family-friendly policies. These measures help fathers fulfil their parental duties while maintaining their professional commitments.
The Future of Fatherhood
As we look to the future, the role of fathers will continue to evolve. The increasing emphasis on work-life balance, mental health, and gender equality will shape the expectations and responsibilities of fathers. Emerging trends, such as remote work and flexible working hours, may provide fathers with more opportunities to be involved in their children’s lives. Moreover, societal attitudes towards fatherhood will likely continue to shift, with greater appreciation for the diverse ways fathers contribute to their families. This includes recognizing the roles of stay-at-home dads, co-parents, and fathers in non-traditional families. As we celebrate Father’s Day 2024, it is essential to acknowledge the evolving nature of fatherhood and support fathers in fulfilling their roles.
Father’s Day 2024 is not just a celebration; it is a reminder of the profound impact that fathers have on their children, families, and society. It is an opportunity to honour the sacrifices, love, and dedication that fathers provide every day. As we celebrate this special day, let us also reflect on the evolving nature of fatherhood and strive to create a world where all fathers are supported, appreciated, and empowered to be the best they can be.
This Father’s Day, take a moment to appreciate the fathers in your life. Whether through a simple thank you, a thoughtful gift, or spending quality time together, let them know how much they mean to you. After all, fathers are the unsung heroes who quietly and steadfastly shape our lives, one day at a time. World Father’s Day serves as a powerful reminder of the invaluable contributions that fathers make to their families and society. From providing emotional support and balancing work and family life to overcoming the unique challenges faced by single fathers, the role of fathers is multifaceted and evolving. As we celebrate Father’s Day 2024, let us honour and appreciate the sacrifices, love, and dedication of fathers around the world. This day is an opportunity to recognize all father figures and to reflect on the evolving nature of fatherhood. By supporting and empowering fathers, we can create a world where they can thrive and continue to be the unsung heroes who shape our lives for the better.
Dr Aashaq Hussain Bhat is an Assistant Professor at University Centre for Research and Development, Chandigarh University, Mohali 140413, Punjab, dedicated to promoting family love and enhancing parental well-being, especially in celebration of Father’s Day. He can be reached at [email protected]


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