Reverence Of Motherhood In Islam: A Kashmiri Perspective

Reverence Of Motherhood In Islam: A Kashmiri Perspective

To respect the mother is to earn the pleasure of God: Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Wali (RA)

The reverence for mothers transcends cultural norms and societal boundaries. Islam, deeply ingrained in the fabric of Kashmiri society, places immense importance on the role of mothers, emphasizing their unparalleled status and the obligation to treat them with utmost respect and kindness.
Central to Islamic teachings is the concept of ‘birr al-walidayn,’ which translates to “kindness to parents”. This principle, drawn from the Quran and Hadith, underscores the significance of honouring and cherishing one’s parents, particularly mothers. In Surah Al-Isra, verse 23, Allah says, “And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age with you, say not to them [so much as], ‘uff,’ and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.”
Kashmir, with its rich Islamic heritage, exemplifies this devotion to mothers. From the picturesque valleys to the bustling streets of Srinagar, the ethos of filial piety and maternal respect permeates every aspect of life. Kashmiri culture, deeply rooted in Islamic values, celebrates motherhood as a sacred duty and a source of immense blessing.
In Kashmiri society, mothers are revered as the epitome of selflessness, sacrifice, and unwavering love. Their tireless efforts in nurturing and shaping the next generation are acknowledged and cherished. From the moment of birth, a mother’s care and affection envelop her children, shaping their character and instilling values of compassion, humility, and resilience.
In the turbulent landscape of Kashmir, where conflict and uncertainty cast a shadow over daily life, the role of mothers becomes even more pronounced. Amidst adversity, they serve as beacons of hope, offering solace and strength to their families. Their resilience in the face of hardship inspires courage and fortitude in their children, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity in the community.
The respect accorded to mothers in Kashmir is not merely a cultural tradition but a religious imperative deeply rooted in Islamic teachings. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of honouring mothers, stating, “Paradise lies at the feet of your mother.” This profound statement underscores the elevated status of mothers in Islam and serves as a reminder of the profound blessings associated with serving and obeying them.
In Kashmiri homes, the teachings of Islam are interwoven with everyday life, shaping attitudes and behaviours towards mothers. Children are taught from a young age to honour, obey, and cherish their mothers, recognizing them as a source of divine mercy and guidance. This reverence for mothers transcends generations, fostering bonds of love and respect that endure a lifetime.
As the call to prayer echoes through the tranquil valleys of Kashmir, it serves as a reminder of the profound connection between faith and family, and the pivotal role of mothers in nurturing piety and righteousness. In the words of the renowned Kashmiri saint, Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Wali, “To respect the mother is to earn the pleasure of God.” In Kashmir, where tradition and faith converge, the reverence for mothers continues to be upheld as a cornerstone of Islamic practice and a testament to the enduring legacy of maternal love and sacrifice.
Nasir Bhat is a teacher. He can be reached at [email protected]

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