YSS Ganderbal inspires resilience through intramural sports

GANDERBAL: The Youth Services and Sports (YSS) Ganderbal on Monday held its intramural sports activities across various educational institutions in the district.
All four zones of the district witnessed a flurry of diverse sports activities including Carrom, Chess, Table Tennis, and other recreational sports.
A remarkable turnout of enthusiastic students actively participated in these sports activities, showcasing their passion and dedication.
To honor outstanding achievements, meritorious students were rightfully acknowledged and awarded medals at the culmination of each activity in their respective schools.
Meanwhile, in a proactive move towards enhancing sports engagement and development in the district, the District Youth Services and Sports Officer (DYSSO) Ganderbal, Sheikh Shafqat Iqbal convened a pivotal meeting at the DYSSO Headquarters.
The meeting, attended by representatives from all four zonal offices, aimed to outline the comprehensive calendar of activities for the upcoming year 2024-25.


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