Kashmir faces alarming surge in drug abuse, surpassing Punjab

Kashmir faces alarming surge in drug abuse, surpassing Punjab

Govt study reveals disturbing trends in drug addiction, urgent measures needed to tackle crisis in the valley

A recent study conducted by the Government Medical College’s Psychiatry department has revealed that Kashmir has surpassed Punjab in drug abuse cases and is currently at the number two position among the top drug-abusing states in the country. With Northeast India topping the drug abuse list, Kashmir is not far behind.
A recent study conducted by the Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience (IMHANS-Kashmir) in collaboration with Government Medical College Srinagar and financed by the Social Welfare Department of Jammu and Kashmir has brought alarming findings to light. The survey covered all ten districts of the Kashmir Division, revealing that the prevalence of Hepatitis C among drug abusers in Kashmir is 72 percent. The institute receives 150 drug addiction cases per day. The study also found that over 33 thousand syringes are used daily for heroin injections in the Kashmir Valley, with heroin being among the most common drugs used by these abusers. The survey indicates that 90 percent of drug abusers use heroin, while the rest use cocaine, brown sugar, and marijuana. The study has also disclosed that most of the drug abusers are in the age group of 17-33, with teenagers and unemployed youth being the main consumers of these drugs. The number of drug abusers in the valley has crossed the 67,000 limit, which is alarming.
According to a recent study by the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Punjab has 1.2 percent of opiate users, while the study conducted in Kashmir has shown the percentage at 2.5 percent. The study reveals that crores of rupees are being spent on these drugs in the valley every day. A single drug abuser is spending over 88 thousand Indian rupees every month, and most users are daily users. Usually, a heroin user consumes around 1 gm of heroin, costing around 3-4 thousand Indian rupees. Drug abusers being treated at these drug de-addiction centres/addiction treatment facility centres in Kashmir have stated that drugs are easily available across the valley, and once addicted, individuals go to any extent to obtain them. The abusers in the valley have also become the dealers of these drugs.
The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report revealed that 1222 cases under the NDPS, 1985 Act were registered in J&K in 2020, and the number increased to 1681 in 2021. In a statement issued from Zonal Police Headquarters Srinagar Police, it was mentioned that in the year 2023, Baramulla District recorded the highest number of cases and arrests. Baramulla police filed 264 cases under the NDPS Act, resulting in the arrest of 464 drug peddlers, including 75 hardcore drug peddlers who have been booked under PIT NDPS Act/PSA. Baramulla Police destroyed a huge quantity of seized contraband substances worth 34 crores under various cases at IGC Lassipora Pulwama.
In addition to this, Jammu and Kashmir Police are carrying out a major crackdown on drug peddling in the Kashmir Valley. Tons of drugs have been recovered by the Police from various districts of the Valley. Most of these consignments were recovered from the bordering areas in North Kashmir in Valley, as well as the International Border in the Jammu region. Police say most of the drugs are supplied from across the border. Police recovered drugs from areas close to the Line of Control, like Kupwara and Uri. Also, many of these drug consignments were dropped via drones from across the International borders in different parts of Jammu.
In conclusion, we all have to stand together to fight against drug abuse and save our future, our youths/young generation from this social evil that is silently destroying our Kashmir. Parents must guide their children and be there for them at every step of life. Parents should keep a check on their children’s activities and ensure that they don’t fall prey to any kind of drug addiction.
The writer is a student of B.Sc Nursing (2nd Semester) at the Ramzaan College of Nursing, Galandar, Pulwama. He can be reached at [email protected]

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