Empowering women: Need for women’s police stations in every small town of Jammu and Kashmir

Empowering women: Need for women’s police stations in every small town of Jammu and Kashmir

The stronger the woman, the more protection she deserves

The pleasant beauty of Jammu and Kashmir’s surroundings frequently overshadows the harsh realities that its citizens suffer. A new issue appears behind this lovely facade: the alarming rise in crimes against women. According to the National Crime Records Bureau’s (NCRB) recent Crime in India Report, over 11,000 cases were registered between 2020 and 2022. These distressing figures necessitate immediate attention and a broad strategy to address the core causes and create long-term solutions for the region’s women’s safety and empowerment.
The Unsettling Statistics:
Despite the attractive place, the state has struggled with cases of criminality against women ranging from harassment to assault. The figures reflect an alarming trend. Jammu and Kashmir alone registered 3716 crimes against women in 2022, a considerable increase from the 3405 incidents recorded in 2020. With an unbelievable 886 incidents documented in 2022, kidnapping and abduction of women have emerged as a major concern. In addition, 462 incidents of kidnapping and abduction with the goal of forcing marriage were linked, as were six cases of human trafficking. Rape cases remained concerning, with 287 reported in 2022. In 276 of these cases, the culprits were known to the victim, which indicates the prevalence of assault by intimate partners.
According to the study, 3214 cases of assault on women with the purpose of offending their modesty were filed in 2022, with 34 cases falling under the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961. Cybercrime against women increased as well, with 54 cases reported in 2022.
According to the NCRB, the number of registered cases of crimes against women in India increased by 4% to 445,256 in 2022, up from 428,278 in 2021. The growth in such offences in metro cities with populations of more than two million was sharper, rising 12.3 percent to 48,755 in 2022. Among the states, Uttar Pradesh had the largest number of crimes against women at 65,743, while Delhi had the highest number of crimes against women at 14,247.
The Need for Women’s Police Stations:
One option that stands out in response to this critical issue is the construction of Women’s Police Stations in every small town in Jammu and Kashmir. These specialist police stations are intended to address the specific needs and concerns of women, offering a secure location for survivors to come forward without fear of judgment or intolerance. The success of this concept in other parts of the country demonstrates its potential in Jammu and Kashmir.
Consider a scenario in which a lady in a distant village feels confident to disclose an occurrence without fear of societal repercussions. Every small town might benefit from a Women’s Police Station, encouraging a sense of security and confidence among the women of Jammu & Kashmir. In addition to addressing situations, these stations might actively try to prevent similar tragedies through community participation and awareness initiatives customized to each region’s specific characteristics.
Advantages of Localized Women’s Police Stations:
One of the primary benefits of having Women’s Police Stations at the grassroots level is that victims can receive personalized attention. Local officers who are familiar with community dynamics can better recognize and handle the unique difficulties that women confront across Jammu and Kashmir. This strategy at the local level provides a more nuanced response to the various concerns concerning women’s safety.
Women’s Police Stations can also act as educational hubs, hosting a training on self-defence, legal rights, and gender sensitization. By actively incorporating the community in these activities, we may promote a sense of communal responsibility for creating a more secure and inclusive society.
In Kashmir, where the culture is rich and dynamic, incorporating traditional beliefs into the operation of Women’s Police Stations can help them be more effective. The establishment of these stations should not be viewed as a mere administrative action, but rather as a cultural shift that prioritizes women’s protection and well-being.
The Complex Reality of Police Disposal:
Regardless of these prospective answers, the police disposition of crimes against women in J&K in 2022 offers a complicated picture. 1929 cases were pending inquiry from the previous year, out of the total of 5667 requests for investigation. In addition, 22 instances were reopened for inquiry, highlighting the difficulties in settling these matters.
As we confront the pressing issue of crimes against women in Jammu and Kashmir, the chilling incident of the 2022 Martand Anantnag murder casts a sombre shadow over our discourse. This heart-wrenching case, wherein a mother was tragically killed by her own son, serves as a stark reminder of the intricate web of challenges women face within the supposed sanctity of their homes. This horrific episode underscores the urgency in implementing comprehensive solutions that address the complex dynamics contributing to such heinous acts.
In honouring the memories of those lost in the Budgam tragedy, we must renew our commitment to creating a society where every woman can lead a life free from fear, where justice prevails swiftly, and where the potential for violence is replaced by a collective commitment to safety, respect, and empowerment.
Vasundhara Pathak Masoodi, previous chairman of the J&K State Commission for Women, expressed serious concern about the region’s intense increase in crimes against women. She emphasized numerous forms of gender-based violence, including as rape, murder, dowry deaths, suicides, sexual offences at work, and acid assaults, and urged immediate and consistent introspection and redressal to protect women’s well-being.
Masoodi expressed concern about the court system, saying, “Where such cases have seen a sharp rise, per contra, the conviction rate is relatively very low.” A low conviction rate emboldens abusers, who believe that because convictions are rare, anyone may get away with such crimes.”
She added that people were overspending on weddings and dowry things in order to assure the well-being of their daughters in their marriage households, which was often backfiring. “As the husband’s family’s demands keep recurring, and they don’t seem to be satisfied with anything.” Finally, the girls are either returned to their parents’ homes, killed, or committed suicide. In such instances, a lack of knowledge is critical.
A Comprehensive Approach:
In conclusion, establishing Women’s Police Stations in every small town in Jammu and Kashmir is not only a requirement but also a moral imperative. It is a step toward ensuring that the region’s gorgeous vistas are matched by an equally stunning and secure environment for its women. By investing in women’s safety and empowerment, we not only safeguard individuals, but also foster a society that values equality, justice, and compassion.
The administration, law enforcement agencies, community leaders, businesses, educational institutions, and individuals must unite in this endeavour. Only through sustained, multifaceted efforts can we pave the way for a future where every woman in Jammu and Kashmir lives free from fear, her rights safeguarded, and her potential fully unleashed. The journey is challenging, but the destination is a society where women thrive – a vision that demands not just acknowledgement but resolute action. Let us embark on this collective commitment, for in doing so, we sow the seeds of a safer, more equitable Jammu and Kashmir for generations to come.
The writer is a Research Scholar of Journalism and Mass Communication, Political Consultant and Poll Campaign. He can be reached at [email protected]

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