‘Fauda’ crew member ‘killed in action’ amid Israel-Hamas conflict

Jerusalem: Netflix drama Fauda fame television producer, Master Sgt. (res.) Matan Meir, 38, has been killed in a blast from a booby-trapped tunnel shaft next to a mosque in the Beit Hanoun area of Gaza amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and militant group Hamas.

Meir, from Odem in the Golan Heights, was best known for his work on the award-winning Israeli television show Fauda, the third season of which was set inside the Gaza Strip. He was killed on Friday.

Israel has increased ground offensive along with air strikes in retaliation of the Hamas’ initial unprecedented attack on the country’s southern areas on October 7. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected growing international calls for a cease-fire unless it includes the release of all the nearly 240 hostages captured by Hamas.

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