Remembering Qazi Nisar, the ‘Pride of Kashmir’

Remembering Qazi Nisar, the ‘Pride of Kashmir’

He devoted his whole life to the service of Islam and for the people of Kashmir

The land of Kashmir is so fertile which gave birth to those personalities who made tremendous contributions in diverse fields of life. Be it the socio-political aspect or religio-economic aspect of life, Kashmir produced so many personalities whose imprints are still echoed in the nook and corner of the valley. Among them all, some were “versatile” in the true sense of the word. Shaikh Ya’qub Sarfi, the teacher of Mujadid alf-e-Sani and the student of Imam Ibn Hajar Makki was one of the top-most scholars of Kashmir whose contribution to “Persian language and literature” and towards “religious sciences” have been acknowledged by one and all. Similarly, Kashmir excelled in other aspects as well.
Today, we are remembering one of the prominent scholars of Kashmir who is equally acknowledged in Aligarh, (Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP) and Azhar (Jamia Azhar, Egypt) i.e., none but Qazi Nisar of Islamabad. Qazi Nisar was a prominent Islamic scholar, political leader, social activist and more importantly, the proponent of Muslim unity in Kashmir. Perhaps, it was the last in the line of versatile personalities of Kashmir. From there, the disintegration and degeneration started not only between the Ahl-o-Sunnah & Ahl-i-Tashayu of Kashmir but also within Ahl-e-Sunnah. The period also witnessed political instability, Social deprivation and religious chaos everywhere in Kashmir.
Qazi Nisar, “The pride of Kashmir” was born in 1952 in one of the reputed families of Islamabad/Anantnag district i.e. Qazi Khanadan. His father called “Fakhr al-Waezeen” (the pride of Orators) was one of the top most orators of Kashmir who had served in the central mosque of Islamabad known as “Masjid-e- Resh Moel”. Qazi Nisar completed his early education in his native town Islamabad in a famous institution, Nusrat-ul-Islam. Being a born genius, he topped in J & K 10th Board exam in 1968 and in 1970, the 12th Board exam. For achieving higher education, he went to Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, and did his Masters (M.A.) and M.Phil. in Islamic Studies there. He earned the gold medal due to his efforts. In 1985, he did a doctorate in Islamic Studies at AMU. Besides, he had the privilege of being the first Kashmiri student to study at Jamia Al-Azahar (Cairo, Egypt).
Dr. Nisar was a born genius, learned scholar, prolific writer and devotional Muslim besides being a genuine leader of Kashmir. He was conscious of the religio-political and socio-economic transformations of his time. He took active participation in all major concerns of the valley which evolved during his times, at an early age of less than 20 years. For interfering in religiopolitical matters, he was frequently booked behind bars. He gave formal shape to his “political vision” and named it “Muslim United Front” (MUF). Under this banner, he had done a tremendous job which still echoes in and around the valley.
He devoted his whole life to the service of Islam and for the people of Kashmir. For this, he sacrificed the ‘service of a University teaching post’ (Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, University of Kashmir) and established a socio-religious organization entitled “Ummat-i-Islami”. Due to his scientific approach and diligent efforts, he succeeded to a very great extent to unite the Shia, Sunni and other sub-sects of the Ummah under one banner. The whole valley was cohesive and integrated into socio-religious aspects under one leader. Such integration and unity can just be dreamed of in contemporary times.
He, after his father’s death, became the chief preacher at Jamia Masjid Islamabad. His sermons have undoubtedly guided enormous people. His lectures still serve “food for thought” for intellectuals and encourage the common masses to follow Islam in letter and spirit. Besides propagating Islam in Mosques and Congregations throughout the valley, He, in 1984, laid the foundation of an educational institution entitled “Islamic Research Institute” where thousands of students had quenched their thirst for knowledge and the institution is still carrying on the legacy. After his martyrdom, the institute was led by Molvi Amanullah Qazi and after him, Qazi Nisar’s son, Qazi Yasir.
On June 19, 1994, He was assassinated by an unidentified gunman in Dialgam Islamabad. Since then, every year, Kashmir observes 19th June as “Shaheed-i-Millat Day” and remembers him as an affectionate leader, an educationist, and a religious scholar. The biggest tribute to him, I consider, is to pledge to carry forward his sacred mission with alertness of mind and soul.
The author is Assistant Professor (contractual) at Government Degree College Kulgam. He can be reached at [email protected].

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