Highly-qualified applicants should be hired in govt schools to prevent brain drain

Highly-qualified applicants should be hired in govt schools to prevent brain drain

2023 is a fantastic chance for administration to raise the ratio of pupils in public schools

From the ancient to the modern eras, education has remained one of the fundamental institutions of society. It has been crucial in influencing society’s growth. School is a system that requires input and appropriate operation to operate. Its input, which includes buildings, infrastructure, teachers, and other things, determines its output entirely. Its main source of input is teachers. Today, there is much discussion about government schools in Kashmir Valley. The number of students is dropping in the majority of the valley’s schools. Parents transfer the majority of their children to private schools. Despite having a more advanced infrastructure and more faculty availability compared to independent schools, why are they relocated and admitted by parents while receiving free education in government institutions through the eighth grade? There are many more causes. The valley’s educationalists are deeply divided over this issue. The administration took numerous actions in this direction last year, including “Aao School Chalein” and “Talaash survey”. The situation has slightly improved, but it is still not good.

The year 2023 is a fantastic chance for the administration and educational division to raise the ratio of pupils in the valley’s public schools. Why is 2023 a significant chance for management and the education department to increase the student-to-teacher ratio? Several explanations are offered by educators and other experts, such as COVID-19 and similar curricula. updated educational guidelines, etc. But, the actual situation, particularly in rural regions, is different.

Economic hardship in the valley caused by the decline in the horticultural sector, particularly in rural areas, is one of the reasons that naturally favor government schools more. Kashmir Valley’s largest portion of the populace relies on the horticulture industry. According to a government report, this sector employs 7.5 lakh families and 35 lakh people. This industry provides the state with 10,000 core yearly incomes and makes up 8% of the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP). The majority of the other institutions in the valley are influenced by this sector, including the market, health, education, and other fields. One sign of this, which became apparent in the past month, is the majority of when the private coaching facilities revealed their fees, the majority of the pupils had not attended both of the coaching months (January and February). Private schools raise their tuition every year, and they also demand payment at the time of enrollment. They won’t make a deal with the parents in this regard. These are byproducts of privatization, which prioritizes profit over all else. In contrast to them, government schools offer free entry and education up to the eighth grade. In the year 2023, parents may therefore pick government schools as an option when a student is admitted.

The second factor, which is the main driver of private schools’ expansion more so in the valley, cheap labor that is available to unemployed degree holders is used. Currently, the majority of teachers in private schools are hired from Central University or Kashmir University after Masters with a B. Ed even or M. Ed, even in some schools. Low-paid employees who are net qualified labourers in these schools, with a large number of classes, they are assigned Rs 6000-8000 for upper classes and Rs 4000-5000 for smaller classes. They are unrestricted in this regard; there is no government agency that could hold them accountable. The government is not doing anything about this either. in resources-young people with degrees who are unemployed-for its purpose and schools? The government has been failing to publicize positions for teachers and lecturers for many years. Therefore private schools exclusively employ this pool of candidates. This increases their opportunities for achieving results and draws more parents to private schools. The government took a move in this direction in 2016 when it appointed certain teachers and lecturers for high schools and higher secondary schools after a competitive process by JKSSB and JKPSC. The recruitment process resulted in the appointment of highly qualified people. Some of them have NET, SET, and even part-time Ph.D. qualifications. Many schools and upper secondary institutions in the valley have boosted their total productivity thanks to this recruitment method.

Using these qualified candidates as much as possible is the key strategy for enhancing the general state of government schools. How can this resource be used in government schools if the previous administration filled the position that was open in the education department? These highly trained educators may be hired by the department on a contractual basis to teach and lecture. They will undoubtedly choose to work in public schools if they receive a higher salary and average classes compared to private schools. Unquestionably, the current administration has made significant improvements to the way the valley’s schools operate and are run. It has also launched a number of new projects in this area, including 84 new school buildings, the construction of sports facilities in 100 schools, two residential schools for tribal students, and 500 “Atal Tinkering Labs” among others. Definitely, this will strengthen UT’s education sector. Nevertheless, how can the condition and student-to-teacher ratio at government schools be improved? To the furthest extent possible, the government and educational institutions must employ these highly qualified applicants in government schools to prevent brain drain.

The author is a Ph.D. Scholar in Sociology at Lovely Professional University. Feedback at Adil7123662gmail.com

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