Highest ever vegetable seed production recorded this year from departmental farms : Dir Agri

Srinagar: As we are perceiving the prime ministers vision of Atma Nirbhan Bharat and when it comes to agriculture and allied sectors we must be in a position to provide our farming community with all the inputs including (seed) of high quality and sufficient quantity at right times locally, Impact on climate change on agriculture, declining natural resources are some of the immediate challenges in front of us therefore agriculture activities and crop production must be environment friendly, more productive with less natural resources, These views were expressed by Director Agriculture Kashmir Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal today during his visit to seed multiplication farm tapper Kreeri. Director Agriculture expressed satisfaction over the bumper seed production of different vegetable crops at the farm. He appreciated seed farm management, technical experts and other concerns for their efforts in making this cropping season successful.
Director Agriculture said that “I am extremely delighted to share this information with our farming community that this year the departmental farms have recorded the highest ever vegetable seed production (different agriculture crops) since their establishment’’.
While talking to the management and technical staff of the farm Director Agriculture highlighted the importance of diversification of agriculture activities and crop cultivation. He asked the concerned to add new crops and varieties to their manual so that the present success could be achieved in new crops as well. He asked the officers to invite progressive farmers and educated youth to the departmental farms so that the achievements of departmental farms could be replicated on farmer’s fields.


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