Maintaining healthy skin

Maintaining healthy skin

There is no human being on this planet earth who doesn’t like to have glowing skin. Everyone desires to have fair skin and some are even so overly careful regarding their skin that they spend most of their time massaging and grooming it. However, in today’s world where medical and scientific research has come a long way, issues related to skin have surfaced as never before. It’s not uncommon to see a long queue of patients at dermatology clinics.
The various skin issues people nowadays are usually faced with, are: fine lines, discoloration, sagging, pigmentation, wrinkles and uneven texture. The incidence of these skin diseases is ever increasing. For some people, the issues are minor and not irksome, but for others the condition may be severe and goes on worsening if not managed at the earliest. The latter condition may throw a person into depression.
Keeping aside the inborn skin problems and allergies, there are a number of factors which are responsible for the premature aging of the skin. These factors include stress, poor nutrition, pollution, and too much exposure to ultraviolet light. Dermatologists are worried about the rush of young people visiting clinics for these skin diseases. It is not uncommon to see young persons with skin texture resembling that of a 70-year-old person. The good news is that all these skin issues can be avoided and well managed by following a regular skincare routine. Given below are some of the tips from health experts which can be followed for maintaining a fair and glowing skin:
1. The first and foremost is having a positive outlook rather than worrying about your condition.
2. People in their 20’s have most of their skin problems due to hormonal changes in their body. So, there is no need to overly worry about it.
3. Follow a healthy lifestyle and a nutritious diet. Fast and readymade foods should be avoided and instead more fruits and vegetables ought to be included in the diet.
4. Enjoy a good sleep. Don’t deprive yourself of this blessing for long periods of time.
5. Never put on makeup while
going to bed.
6. Make sure your sunscreen has a hyaluronic acid in it. Apply it whenever you step out, because the skin issues such as tanning, sun burns, rashes, itchiness and even skin cancer are caused by the harmful radiations of the sun.
7. Keep yourself hydrated to prevent sagging and wrinkles.
8. In order to prevent cracks and dry skin during winters, more intake of citrus fruits should be had.

—The writer is a scholar at Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir

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