SKUAST-K commemorates World Rabies Day

Srinagar: To commemorate World Rabies Day, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Kashmir held a daylong event, ‘Roadmap to Safeguard the Public Health from the Threat of Rabies’ at the Shuhama campus.
SKUAST-K’s Division of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, in collaboration with the Directorate of Research under World Bank-ICAR funded National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) for the institutional development of the university, organised the event.
Commissioner, Srinagar Municipal Corporation, Athar Aamir Khan, who was the chief guest at the inaugural event, assured full support to the university and other related organisations in controlling the stray dog menace, the main cause of rabies in Srinagar. He said new infrastructure, along with all technology support, would be put in place to augment the existing animal birth control facility and solid waste management in the city to keep a check on the canine population.
Director Planning and Monitor and PI NAHEP, SKUAST-K, Prof Nazir Ahmed Ganai called for concerted efforts from all stakeholders in addressing the threat to Public Health due to various zoonotic diseases, including rabies.
Director Extension Prof Dil Mohammad Makhdoomi, who had several years back started the animal birth control and rabies vaccination programme, deliberated upon the progress of the Animal Birth Control programme and the milestones achieved.
Director Research Prof Sarfaraz A Wani, in his address, outlined the research support university is providing in the areas of solid waste management, food testing and Animal Birth Control and Rabies Vaccination Programme (ABC&RV). He stressed that multiple ABC&RV facilities need to be built in Srinagar city and other towns to control the stray dog menace.
Head SPM Deptt Prof SM Salim gave a detailed overview of the Rabies and dog bite scenario in the Valley, especially in relation to working at SMHS hospital for the cause.
Dr Javid A Rather, Municipal Veterinary, Officer gave a brief outlook of his activities to check stray dog menace. Dr Mudasir Ali Rather, Assistant Professor at Division of Veterinary Public Health, in his presentation, elucidated the models to curb and control rabies as is being done in other parts of the world successfully.
The expert from GADVSU, Dr CK Singh, dealt with the theme on all its aspects with a focus on practicality and applicability. He put forth his suggestions to check and control the disease of rabies.
Prof Abdul Hai Head Div. of Veterinary & AH Extension presented the vote of thanks.
The event was attended by participants from diversified areas ranging from School teachers to Medical professionals to the Veterinarians from twin departments of Animal and Sheep Husbandry, besides the Faculty members from the Veterinary College.


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