As Allah loves us, so must we, for all Islam is based on love

As Allah loves us, so must we, for all Islam is based on love

In the holy month of Ramadan, the love and blessings of Islam are deeply felt in the hearts of the believers. It is very important that the blessings that people receive from this spirit of love and faith are not limited to just one month but spread throughout our lives. To achieve this goal, we need to seize every opportunity to talk about love and promote peace.
Life becomes meaningful through faith and love. God loves to love and that is why He created the universe with love. We see this reality everywhere and in everything. That there is so much art in the earth, the variety of colors, the aesthetics in nature, the beauty in animals that Allah presents to His servants.
The fragrance, the aesthetics of fruits and vegetables that Allah creates for us, the delicacy in their seeds, the way they are packed are all because Allah loves us. In the absence of love, no one can live according to the true meaning of the word religion. Love is a duty of human beings. There is emptiness in the heart of a person who has not kept this understanding in his heart. Everything a Muslim does for the sake of Allah is based on love. The fear and dread that comes for Allah is based on this love.
A believer refrains from doing anything that does not please Allah. This is what we call the “fear of God.” It is like the case of a person who refrains from doing the simplest thing that will be disliked or who dislikes the person he loves. He even takes precautions against the possibility of being unpopular. In the same way, there is love of God under the fear of God.
A person experiences religion in his heart. It is enjoyed with love, enthusiasm, sincerity and joy and excitement. No one is forced. That is why love of faith is the most important of all.
Imagine a person who completes his daily prayers, fasts, counts his rosaries and knows the Qur’an by heart but is cold with other people. He is cruel and harsh. He does not forgive. He thinks that even the slightest mistake should be punished by gently admonishing rather than replacing good for good. He does not like others and takes every opportunity to criticise them. However, it is quite complicated in terms of formalities. He knows the Qur’an but does not put its commands into practice in his daily life. Such a person is far from the spirit of the Qur’an, because Islam is love, understanding, compassion, understanding and solidarity.
According to the Qur’an, Muslims must love one another. In the verses of the Qur’an, Allah speaks of His forgiveness, protection and mercy. Surat Surat Noor Allah writes in verse 22: “… Would you not like Allah to forgive you? Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”
Everyone definitely wants forgiveness and forgiveness, and he has deep hope. The way our Lord is related in this verse requires love, fulfillment and forgiveness for us.
We are already facing the detrimental consequences of this lack of interest. The Islamic world is deviant and divided. There is a reason for this. Feelings of compassion, love, forgiveness, and protection are not properly experienced. Islamic communities do not have a sympathetic attitude towards each other and they cannot approach each other in a spirit of brotherhood. Those who are brothers in faith, who believe in one God and His prophet, have become separated from one another due to some differences in details.
It is clear that this is a rebellion that has been set up by an anti-Christ, satanic trap. Satan prevents Muslims from showing each other the love and compassion that is the essence of religion. The way to deal with this rebellion is to love and unite. We need to put into practice the spirit of cooperation and self-sacrifice in the Holy Qur’an.
Our Lord says: “Allah loves those who strive in His cause in ranks like well-built walls.” (Surah As-Saff: 4)
We are each other’s guardians. Muslims are people with Sunni morals. They are the friends of Allah, His helpers and they are the people of high morals who will distribute peace and justice on earth. So what is obligatory on Muslims is to love one another, to embrace one another and to unite with one another. They must immediately thwart Satan’s rebellion and spread the spirit of sacrifice within the Islamic world, and embrace each other without considering the differences between Islamic schools of thought and Islamic society.
In Surah Al-Imran, verse 103, our Almighty Allah has commanded the Muslims: “Hold fast to the rope of Allah together with Allah and do not part. “We must not unite but embrace, cooperate, support each other and put an end to the insurgency in the ideological sense.
All over the world, Muslims are being martyred every day. Poor women, young children and the elderly are being killed simply because the compassionate and strong spirit of Islamic morality has not been preserved and the believers have not united. But the solution is simple.
God creates destiny and informs us of the keys to salvation. All we need to do is lock the key. It is to establish love and compassion in our brothers.
With the love that Allah is obligatory on all of us, Muslims should put aside all forms of separation and unite. Let us all hope that this holy month of Ramadan will help Muslims achieve those days when they love one another deeply, become more compassionate and more tolerant.

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