Smile, and change the world

Smile, and change the world

Hapiness is a feeling of joy and positivity. It is the most valuable thing in the world. On March 20, 2021, Finland was ranked as the happiest country on earth for the fourth consecutive year. India was ranked 139, among 149 countries. It’s a moment to think about where we are. We live for our needs, furious and stressed. No one takes a minute to consider what the real nucleus of life is. It is happiness and nothing else.
Whenever I walk on the road, I look at everyone but I cannot happiness or even a smile on anyone’s face. Everyone has furrows of stress on their forehead. It seems everyone is sad and no one is gratified. Students are worried about exams, others are worried about money. Whether it is a small issue or a big one, only a few people figure it out with patience and calm.
Happiness is too important to be ignored. The engine of our lives will run smoothly only if we grease it with happiness and optimism. A research has said that “optimism is associated with exceptional longevity. Women and men with greater optimism tend to live longer than their pessimistic peers”. We have a chance to live longer, but we miss it.
Happiness has many powers. If we start our day with a smile, it can make our day, because “our smile can be the source of our joy”. Our smile can also be a reason for many others to smile. So, let’s be happy, forever, to live beautifully in this beautiful world with beautiful people. And, remember, use your smile to change this world, but never let this world change your smile. Let’s press the accelerator of happiness to take the rank of India to the 1st.

The writer is a Class 8 student who lives in Handwara.

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