JAMMU: Lieutenant Governor, Girish Chandra Murmu interacted with the family members of the Sarpanch Ajay Pandita Bharti, who fell victim to the militants, and extended his deepest sy
While paying homage to Ajay Pandita, the LGobserved that the supreme sacrifice made by him would always be remembered and hoped that perpetrators of such dastardly act would realize their follies and desist from committing crime against humanity.
He assured full support to the family from the government
The relief amounting to Rs 20 lakh includes Rs 5 lakh from SRE, Rs 1 lakh as ex-gratia from Government, Rs 4 lakh from Lt Governor Relief Fund, whereas Rs 10 lakh out of Panchayat Welfare Fund will be released shortly.
Sarpanch, Ajay Pandita was a resident of Panchayat Halqa Lukhbawan block Shahabad of District Anantnag. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, father and mother.