Odhisa police rules out abduction of Kashmiri MBBS student by Maoists


Srinagar: Odhisa Police on Monday ruled out the abduction of a Kashmiri MBBS student by Maoists as “mischief played by some miscreants”.

Suhail Aijaz, a resident of Marsari, Chowkibal, Kupwara, pursuing MBBS since 2016 at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Bhubaneswar, Odisha, is missing from the state since February 9.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Bhubaneswar Satyabrata Bhoi, when contacted by Srinagar-based news agency, said that appearance of a handwritten poster “of Maoists” at Baramunda Bus stand related to the MBBS student is “apparently fake”.

“We have discovered one poster there; it is not typical of a Maoist poster. Most probably somebody has played a mischief,” Bhoi said.

“If they (Maoists) do something like this, it immediately comes before the media. They don’t like this. Maoist angle is not there.”

“We are investigating the matter from all possible angles. We are analyzing everything and his last location comes at Kolkata on February 10,” Dy Commissioner said, adding, “Our team had been to Kolkata. They were there for one week and did all inquiry and investigation. We are in touch with JK police also”.

Asked whether it was an abduction case, he said so far no such angle has been seen. “However, he (MBBS student) has written a note wherein it was mentioned that he was not satisfied with the studies and finally he wrote in that note ‘I Quit’,” he said.

Meanwhile, Aijaz Ahmad Kataria, father of the student said that his son “was good at studies and had not brought up any sort of dissatisfaction regarding the studies with us”.

“Yes I too was informed by authorities in Odhisa that his son Suhail has written a note wherein he had mentioned that he is not satisfied with the studies,” he said.

Aijaz urged authorities to speed up the investigations. “Get his call details and help me in this hour of distress,” Aijaz said and expressed dissatisfaction over the silence of Jammu and Kashmir government over the disappearance of his son.

He said when news about the disappearance of his son went viral, only SSP Kupwara called him. “Since then, no official from the JK state bothered to contact us about the case,” he said, adding, “I can tell you one thing, my beloved was good at his studies, I want him back.”

Media reports suggest that Suhail Aijaz was abducted by Maoists. The Maoists as per the reports have asked for the release of their jailed leader Sabyasachi Panda within one week in lieu of the Kashmiri MBBS student.

Following the missing report filed by college authorities with police station Khandagari, Bhubaneswar on Feb 18, a police officer concerned had said that in this regard, an FIR (21/2018) was registered immediately and investigations into it had already started to trace out the missing student. (GNS)


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