Six foreign tourists mistaken as braid choppers rescued by Police

Srinagar: At about 2:00 am during the intervening night of 7/8 October 2017, SHO Rainawari Inspector G P Singh got an information from PCR Kashmir and some sources that Six foreign tourists have been rounded up by some people in Kanikachi Latti Mohalla Rainawari somewhere in the interior area of Dal Lake. 
On receiving information a police team headed by Inspector G P Singh under the overall supervision of SP North Sajjad Ahmad Shah rushed to the spot instantly and rescued the holed up tourists. There has been cooperation from some locals as well. 
On enquiring it was found that Six tourists-3 Australians, one South Korean, one from Ireland and one from England (4 males and two females), were traveling from Leh to Srinagar in a Tavera vehicle driven by Abid Hussain son of Mohd Shafi resident Doda. The group had lost way and were traveling with the help of Google Map which led them to travel across a link road showing short cut to Lal Chowk. 
On reaching Kanikachi Lati Mohalla the vehicle was stopped by a group of locals who on spotting foreigners in the vehicle started hues and cries which caused a large gathering of people on spot turning into an unruly mob. However some locals started rescuing the holed up group and called police. 
With great efforts of Police and reasonable public whole group was rescued. Tourists were taken to a local Hotel and were lodged there comfortably by the police and early in the morning were seen off to their next destination.

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