Cheshmashahi Milk Plant records 32.12 Cr business last fiscal

The Jammu and Kashmir Milk Producers Cooperative Limited (JKMPCL) run Cheshmashahi milk processing unit recorded a business of Rs 32.12 crore last fiscal and also sold 76 lakh liters of milk in 2016-17.

The information was given out today during an inspection of the unit by Minister for Animal & Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries, Abdul Gani Kohli who was accompanied by Minister of State for Forest, Animal & Sheep Husbandry, Cooperatives and Fisheries, Mir Zahoor Ahmad. Secretary Cooperative Bashir Ahmad Bhat, Chief Executive Officer, JKMPCL and other concerned were also present on the occasion.

It was said that the JKMPCL aspires to achieve 100 crore turnover by the year2020.

On the occasion, the Ministers took a detailed stock of the milk plant’s functioning and went round of its various sections.

They instructed the concerned to work with utmost dedication for promoting the business which besides catering to the needs of the society adds to the economy of the State.

During their visit, the Ministers took review of the activities carried out at the Milk Plan.

It was informed that 15000 milk producer members are associated through 450 Village Daily Cooperative Societies with the JKMPCL.

Taking stock of Chilling Machines, the Ministers were apprised about the benefits of enhancing Chilling Capacity. It was given out that quality and quantity of milk received has improved significantly.

Later, a review meeting was held during which threadbare discussions were held on Strengthening the Infrastructure for Quality and Clean Milk Production (SIQ-CMP) scheme, Intensive Dairy Development Programme (IDDP) and AMCS at DCS Chadoora Budgam.

The meeting was told that milk is also procured from Rajouri and on an average around 3000 liters are procured daily.

Addressing the meeting, Kohli stressed on maintenance of quality control of milk, curd and ghee which he said is essential in gaining confidence of the consumers and for increasing the marketing of the products.

Mir Zahoor also spoke on the occasion and stressed for developing cordial working relationship between the JKMPCL and the Village Level Cooperatives for deep percolation of benefits.

On the occasion, a documentary film regarding Amul was also screened.






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