The Rural Development Department (RDD) today released Rs 570 crore under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) to the districts for immediate clearance of the liabilities and initiating new works and providing employment to the rural households. This is the highest one-time release ever made by the Department to the field agencies.
The funds were released on the directions of the Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Law & Justice, Abdul Haq, who chaired a meeting here today to review the progress under MGNREGA for the financial year 2016-17 and outlining the roadmap for financial year 2017-18.
Director Rural Development Kashmir Mr Gazanfer Ali, Additional Secretary/Member Secretary MGNREGA, K K Sidha, besides other officers of the department were present at the meeting.
The Minister directed for immediate release of funds under MGNREGA to the districts for clearance of the previous liabilities and for meeting the current demand.
The districts administrations have been asked to clear the wage liability as a priority.
The Minister said that the main aim of releasing the 1st tranche of Rs 570 crore is to boost the rural economy, improve the socio economic condition of the rural households and give impetus to the implementation of MGNREGA in the State.