Regional parties neglecting crucial public issues: Azad

Regional parties neglecting crucial public issues: Azad

ANANTNAG: Ghulam Nabi Azad, Chairman of the Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP), on Sunday criticized regional parties for neglecting crucial public issues in their election campaigns. During a series of roadshows in Bijbhera, Anantnag, Azad expressed his discontent with the current political discourse, stating that these parties claim the election is not about fundamental issues like water and electricity.
“Why are these parties contesting elections if they are not addressing the real problems faced by the people?” Azad questioned. “Are they here to exploit the innocent people once again?” He highlighted the pressing concerns that affect everyday life, noting a significant rise in electricity bills, lack of water facilities in rural areas, increasing unemployment, and the growing problem of drug abuse among youth. He emphasized that young people are forced to compete with outsiders for jobs, further exacerbating their struggles. “Why are these critical issues not part of the election agenda?” Azad asked. He urged the electorate to demand accountability and focus on real solutions to the challenges they face daily.
Azad also addressed the ongoing debate over Article 370, criticizing regional parties for failing to take meaningful action. “It has become their habit to fool Kashmiris. For years they fooled them with self-rule and autonomy, and now they are fooling them with Article 370. I want to ask them, if you are serious about Article 370, why didn’t you file an appeal in the Supreme Court? Why didn’t you speak in Parliament? Do you expect BJP or Congress to restore Article 370? They don’t even talk about it anymore. In fact, many Congress leaders, including sitting MPs and Chief Ministers, supported BJP on Article 370, and even many opposition parties like AAP and others. Now you expect them to get Article 370 back? They haven’t put it in their manifesto. So enough of fooling people. I promise if we come to power, we will pass the land and job protection law.”
He concluded by promising that if DPAP comes to power, they will pass laws to protect land and jobs for the people of the region. “Enough of fooling people. We will take concrete steps to ensure the rights and well-being of our citizens.”
Meanwhile, Azad urged the people to support his candidate, Advocate Saleem Parray, in the upcoming Lok Sabha election. He assured the electorate that Saleem Parray is committed to raising their issues and demands in Parliament. Azad further emphasized his commitment to empowering young leaders and giving young Kashmiris the opportunity to represent their communities. “I have given the opportunity to these young leaders to stand up for their people,” he stated. “Other parties only promote their children, but my children are here to support me, not to contest elections.” He further criticized regional parties, accusing them of preventing common people from rising to top positions. “For how long will the innocent people of Kashmir be fooled?”
Among others present on the occasion were Advocate Saleem Parray, candidate; Salman Nizami, Chief Spokesperson; DPAP Senior Leader Mufti Sarwar; and other party members.


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