Coronavirus continues to trouble India; 1,12,359 cases so far

Coronavirus continues to trouble India; 1,12,359 cases so far

New Delhi: The death toll due to Covid-19 rose to 3,435 and the number of cases to 1,12,359 in the country on Thursday, registering an increase of 132 deaths and 5,609 cases in the last 24 hours, according to the Union Health Ministry. The number of active Covid-19 cases stood at 63,624, while 45,299 people […]

Need to accept coronavirus as part of life: Pawar

Need to accept coronavirus as part of life: Pawar

MUMBAI: The novel coronavirus will not be completely eradicated soon and it needs to be accepted as a part of life, NCP chief Sharad Pawar said on Wednesday as he pitched for creating awareness about health care about the masses. People should maintain personal hygiene, he said and urged the Maharashtra government’s information department to […]

Coronavirus cases in Russia cross 300,000-mark

Coronavirus cases in Russia cross 300,000-mark

Moscow: The total number of coronavirus cases in Russia on Wednesday crossed the 300,000-mark with 8,764 fresh cases being reported in the last 24 hours, according to the authorities. The total number of cases in the country now stands at 308,705, the emergency task force said. Over the same period, 135 people died, raising the […]

Pak woman legislator succumbs to coronavirus

Islamabad:  A 60-year-old woman legislator of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party in Punjab province died of COVID-19 on Wednesday, making her the first lawmaker in the country to succumb to the virus that has killed over 900 others in Pakistan. Shaheen Raza, 60, was admitted to the Mayo hospital in Lahore a few days ago […]

China reports 16 new coronavirus cases

Beijing, May 20  China has reported 16 new coronavirus infections, including 15 asymptomatic cases, in the first COVID-19 epicentre Wuhan, where all the 11.2 million population is being tested for the virus, health authorities said on Wednesday. China’s National Health Commission (NHC) said five confirmed case and 16 asymptomatic cases were reported on Tuesday. Four […]

Chinese health experts wave off concerns of second, deadlier wave of coronavirus

Chinese health experts wave off concerns of second, deadlier wave of coronavirus

BEIJING: Chinese health experts involved in the country’s fight against the coronavirus believe the worst is now over, downplaying warnings that the disease could become seasonal or that a deadlier “second wave” could hit later in the year. As the pandemic continues to spread overseas, a growing number of countries are bracing themselves for a […]

135 million Indians may lose job due to coronavirus impact

135 million Indians may lose job due to coronavirus impact

New Delhi: Following the COVID-19-induced economic disruptions, up to 135 million jobs could be lost and 120 million people might be pushed back into poverty in India, all of which will have a hit on consumer income, spending and savings, says a report. According to a new report by international management consulting firm Arthur D […]

Pakistan coronavirus cases cross 40,000 with 1,352 new cases

Pakistan coronavirus cases cross 40,000 with 1,352 new cases

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s coronavirus cases crossed 40,000 on Sunday after 1,352 new infections were detected, while the death toll in the country has gone up to 873 with nearly 40 more people succumbing to COVID-19, heath authorities said on Sunday. The Ministry of National Health Services said that out of the total 40,151 cases, Sindh has […]

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