The Agrarian Crisis in Kashmir

The Agrarian Crisis in Kashmir

Agriculture has been the backbone of our economy throughout our history and still is. A cursory look at the data will reveal its importance. Although the sector contributes less than 18 percent of Gross State Domestic Product, it employs more than 70 percent of the population directly and indirectly. Moreover, more than 72 percent of […]

An Indelible Blot on Kashmiri Society: Castiesm

An Indelible Blot on Kashmiri Society: Castiesm

Human beings are pots made of the same clay. God instructs us in the glorious Quran, “All of you are equal in eyes of your Lord.” It is the selfish nature of human beings that makes them divide people on petty things like colour, creed, sex, religion and profession. The most disagreeable and irksome thing […]

Understanding Science Helps Strengthen Our Faith

Understanding Science Helps Strengthen Our Faith

Quran, the source of the Islamic faith, is a book believed by Muslims to be of completely divine origin. Muslims believe that it contains guidance for all mankind. Since the message of Quran is believed to be for all times, it should be relevant to every age. There was a time in the history of […]

A Tribute to Mohammad Ahsan Ahsan

A Tribute to Mohammad Ahsan Ahsan

Mohammad Ahsan sahab was an institution of humanity, incarnation of knowledge, and an unparalleled icon of Kashmiri literary tradition. Ahsan Sahab usually taught people literary activism and humanistic and philanthropic values. Beside a poet, he was a human being with an angelic nature who always cared for the poor and needy. He showed the right […]

Role of SSA Teachers

Role of SSA Teachers

The SSA (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) scheme was launched in J&K in 2000 to strengthen the system of elementary education. The aim of the scheme was to provide every child easy access to school, especially in remote areas. While free and compulsory elementary education of children in the age group of 6 to 14 years is […]

When I see a work of art that stirs me, I must write: Uma Nair

When I see a work of art that stirs me, I must write: Uma Nair

Curator, critic and art researcher, Uma Nair has been working in the field of art for more than 30 years. She is a self-trained curator who learnt from observing exhibitions in the USA and through cultivating an eye for art. She has the background of a retired English teacher. She has written prolifically as an […]

Virtual classes no match for actual schooling

Virtual classes no match for actual schooling

The first and foremost difficulty in online classes is that not every student has a mobile phone or a tab. In other words, they simply cannot afford such education. Second, internet connectivity here is not such that the desired objectives can be achieved. It takes a day on 2G speed what takes only an hour […]

As Washington Retreats, Eastern Mediterranean Conflict Further Marginalises NATO

As Washington Retreats, Eastern Mediterranean Conflict Further Marginalises NATO

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is an alliance in name alone. Recent events notwithstanding, the brewing conflict over territorial waters in the Eastern Mediterranean indicates that the military union between mostly Western countries is faltering. The current Turkish-Greek tension is only one facet of a much larger conflict involving, aside from the two Mediterranean […]

Domestic Violence During Covid-19 Pandemic

Domestic Violence During Covid-19 Pandemic

The year 2020 will be remembered distinctly in human history. While most of us will remember it for the disastrous Covid-19 pandemic, unfortunately some among the feminine gender will remember it for the brutalities of domestic violence. Though some people are of the opinion that despite being so unfair, Covid-19 has had some positive impacts, […]

Soft Drinks and their Impact on Health

Soft Drinks and their Impact on Health

A soft drink usually contains carbonated water (although some vitamin waters and lemonades are not carbonated), a sweetener, and a natural or artificial flavouring substance. The sweetener may be a sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit juice, a sugar substitute (in the case of diet drinks), or some combination of these. Soft drinks may also contain […]