The Paradox of Desires

The Paradox of Desires

Finding gratitude and peace in the journey of life The world is a complex puzzle piece; occasionally, our aspirations clash with those of others. Jealousy seems to be inherent in us all, where we want what someone has and they want something we once had. Let’s simplify this tangled web. In the realm of relationships, […]

Short Story: Dentures

Short Story: Dentures

A family’s journey to safety amid floods The chopper hovering overhead almost threw us off the insufficiently wide and one-and-a-half feet high median strip of the road into the deeper water. The helicopter belonged to some wing of Indian security forces and was perhaps taking stock of the ground situation. We were already knee-deep and […]

The Divine Reformer – Muhammad Al-Mahdi (AS)

The Divine Reformer – Muhammad Al-Mahdi (AS)

The Beloved Messenger (PBUH) has prophesied, ‘‘This world will not end until the king of Arab be a person who will be from me or my family members. His name will be the same as my name and his father’s name will just be the same as my father’s. He will promote justice everywhere in […]

Understanding Sufism: A Guide To Spiritual Purification

Understanding Sufism: A Guide To Spiritual Purification

Exploring the core tenets, misconceptions, and spiritual legacy of Sufism in contemporary times   What is Sufism? The mystical form of Islam known as Sufism emphasizes spiritual enlightenment and internal purity. Importance in the spiritual domain It is of great significance as an instrument to gain a deeper understanding of spirituality and establish a closer […]

Social Responsibility And Our Role Towards It

Social Responsibility And Our Role Towards It

Examining the impact of individual actions on community well-being in Kashmir The great metaphysical poet, John Donne said, “No man is an island, entire of itself: every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” Man cannot survive and spend his assigned time alone on earth, he necessarily requires other human […]

Balancing Innovation and Employment: Navigating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Balancing Innovation and Employment: Navigating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked both awe and apprehension. While hailed for its potential to revolutionize industries and streamline processes, there’s a growing concern that AI could pose a significant threat to employment generation. This sentiment has ignited a fervent debate among experts and policymakers […]

Transforming Oilseed Farming in Kashmir: SKUAST-K’s Proven Pollination Strategies

Transforming Oilseed Farming in Kashmir: SKUAST-K’s Proven Pollination Strategies

University’s innovative use of honeybee colonies revolutionises oilseed farming, driving significant yield increases and economic benefits in the region India faces the deficit in oilseed production and higher dependence on imports to cater to the growing population’s demand for edible oil. In Jammu & Kashmir, local oilseed production staggers at 3.36 lakh quintals while the […]

Assessing the multifaceted impact of the COVID-19 crisis

Assessing the multifaceted impact of the COVID-19 crisis

Exploring the far-reaching consequences on financial, social, political and scientific fronts, and the path forward The COVID-19 crisis, which emerged in 2019, was one of the worst crises ever faced by humanity, impacting social, financial, political, scientific, and various other factors worldwide. It changed the global scenario significantly in various ways. The financial impacts of […]

History Already Tells Us the Future of AI

History Already Tells Us the Future of AI

David Ricardo, one of the founders of modern economics in the early 1800s, understood that machines are not necessarily good or bad. His insight that whether they destroy or create jobs all depends on how we deploy them, and on who makes those choices, could not be more relevant today. Artificial intelligence and the threat […]

Feeding War, Killing Peace: Why The US Vetoed ‘Palestine’?

Feeding War, Killing Peace: Why The US Vetoed ‘Palestine’?

The outcome of the Palestine vote and the American veto at the United Nations Security Council on April 18 was predictable. Though European countries are becoming increasingly supportive of a Palestinian state, the United States is not yet ready for this commitment. These are some of the reasons that the US deputy envoy to the […]

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