Hafiz Saeed sentenced to 11 years in jail for funding militancy

Lahore: Jamat-ud-Dawa (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed was on Wednesday sentenced to 11 years in jail by an anti-terrorism court in Pakistan in two militant financing cases. Saeed, a UN designated terrorist whom the US has placed a USD 10 million bounty on, was arrested on July 17 in the financing cases. He is lodged at […]

UN chief to visit Kartarpur during Pak visit

United Nations: UN chief Antonio Guterres will visit the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, the final resting place of Sikhism founder Guru Nanak Dev, in Kartarpur during his visit to Pakistan next week. The UN Secretary-General will arrive in Islamabad on Sunday on a four-day visit and will hold bilateral meetings with Prime Minister Imran Khan and […]

Coronavirus death toll in China climbs to 811

Beijing: The death toll in China’s coronavirus outbreak rose to 811 on Sunday, surpassing the number of fatalities in the 2002-03 SARS epidemic, while over 37,000 people have been confirmed as being infected with the deadly virus that has spread to more than 25 countries. Eighty-nine deaths were reported on Saturday – the highest single-day […]

Imran warns India of ‘misadventure’

Imran warns India of ‘misadventure’

Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Thursday that his country’s battle-hardened army will teach India a “hard lesson” in case of “any misadventure” by New Delhi. Addressing a rally in Mirpur in Pakistan administered Kashmir on the ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’, Khan asked the Indian leadership to avoid threats of attacks. “Narendra Modi, the […]

Modi committed ‘fatal mistake’ by revoking Article 370: Imran Khan

Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Wednesday that his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi has committed a “fatal mistake” by revoking the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. Addressing the Legislative Assembly of Pakistan administered Kashmir in Muzaffarabad, Khan also alleged that Modi did it because he got mandate after using Pakistan as a […]

Pak Parl passes resolution asking revocation of Kashmir move

Islamabad: Pakistan’s Parliament on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution expressing “unflinching and unwavering support” to the Kashmiri people and demanding India to reverse its decision to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. The National Assembly or lower house passed the resolution on the eve of what Pakistan observes as the Kashmir Solidarity Day […]

WHO declares global health emergency as death toll reaches 213

BEIJING: The World Health Organization declared a global emergency over the new coronavirus, as China reported Friday the death toll had climbed to 213 with nearly 10,000 infections. The UN health agency based in Geneva had initially downplayed the threat posed by the disease, but revised its risk assessment after crisis talks. “Our greatest concern […]

Pak’s ties to remain tense with India: Report

Islamabad: Pakistan’s external affairs would remain challenging throughout 2020, having serious implications on economy and security, including tense relations with India, a Pakistani think-tank said on Sunday. Tense relations with India would continue to consume much of Pakistan’s strategic and diplomatic bandwidth, Islamabad Policy Institute said in its report ‘Pakistan Outlook 2020: Politics, Economy & […]

‘China’s push to discuss Kashmir at UNSC finds no support’

United Nations/Islamabad: India has slammed Pakistan for repeatedly trying to raise the Kashmir issue at the UN Security Council with China’s help where it failed again to find any support, with New Delhi asserting that Islamabad needs to focus on the “hard tasks” it has to address to ensure normal bilateral ties. China, Pakistan’s ‘all-weather […]

Situation in Kashmir violates human rights: US Congresswoman

Washington: The situation in Kashmir violates human rights, a US Congresswoman has said, as she joined as cosponsors to a resolution urging India to end restrictions on communications and mass detentions in the newly-created Union Territory. The resolution No 745 that was introduced in the House of Representatives last year by Indian-American Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal […]