At UNHRC, Pak demands release of Kashmir leaders

At UNHRC, Pak demands release of Kashmir leaders

Geneva: Pakistan on Tuesday raked up the Kashmir issue at the UNHRC here and demanded the immediate lifting of the communication restrictions and release of all the political leaders and activists in the Valley, saying any “inaction” by the international community will only “embolden” India. Speaking at the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council […]

US lawmakers express concern over Delhi violence

US lawmakers express concern over Delhi violence

Washington: The violence over the amended citizenship act in India’s capital New Delhi drew sharp reactions from US lawmakers with the mainstream media prominently reporting it along with the just-concluded visit of President Donald Trump. Reacting to the violence that has claimed at least 13 lives in the past a couple of days, US Congresswoman […]

Nawaz Sharif declared absconder’ by Pakistan govt for violating bail terms: Report

Nawaz Sharif declared absconder’ by Pakistan govt for violating bail terms: Report

Islamabad: Pakistan’s former prime minister Nawaz Sharif has been declared an “absconder” by the government for violating the bail requirements by not presenting his medical report from his doctors in London, according to a media report on Wednesday. Sharif, 70, left for London in November last for treatment after the Lahore High Court allowed him […]

US President Trump leaves for maiden visit to India

US President Trump leaves for maiden visit to India

WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump on Sunday left for his maiden visit to India for talks with the top Indian leadership during which the two countries are expected to significantly ramp up bilateral relations, especially in the defence and strategic ties. Trump, who is accompanied by First Lady Melania, daughter Ivanka, son-in-law Jared Kushner and […]

UK MP denied entry to India ran sustained anti-India campaign: MEA

New Delhi: British lawmaker Debbie Abrahams, who was denied entry to India and deported to Dubai, has run a sustained campaign against India, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said on Thursday. Abrahams, who is an Opposition Labour Party MP and Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Kashmir, claimed she was travelling […]

Pak PM urges UN to honour commitments on Kashmir

Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday urged the UN to fulfil its commitments with the people of Kashmir and help them achieve the right of self-determination as he met the UN chief Antonio Guterres here.?During his meeting with the UN Secretary-General, Khan highlighted the “dire human rights and humanitarian situation” in Jammu and […]

India rejects UN chief’s offer to mediate on Kashmir issue

New Delhi: India on Sunday rejected UN chief Antonio Guterres’s offer of mediation on Kashmir and said the real issue needed to be addressed is to vacate territories “illegally and forcibly” occupied by Pakistan. The assertion by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) came after Guterres said in Islamabad that he was concerned over the […]

Important for India and Pak to ‘de-escalate, both militarily and verbally’: UN chief Guterres

ISLAMABAD: UN chief Antonio Guterres said on Sunday it was important for India and Pakistan to deescalate “militarily and verbally” and exercise “maximum restraint” as he began his four-day visit to the country, amidst tense relationship between the two nuclear armed neighbours. Addressing a press conference after his meeting with Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood […]

Google Maps marks Kashmir’s outlines as ‘disputed’ when seen from outside India

Washington: Google Maps has redrawn the world’s borders which look different depending upon where the user is viewing them from, with the popular search engine showing Kashmir’s outlines as a dotted line acknowledging “dispute” when it is seen from outside India, a leading American daily has reported. According to the Washington Post, “the borders on […]

US senators raise Kashmir, CAA ahead of Trump’s India visit

Washington: Ahead of President Donald Trump’s maiden visit to India, four influential US senators, who described themselves as “longtime friends of India”, have sought an assessment of the human rights situation in Kashmir and religious freedom in the country, saying hundreds of Kashmiris remain in “preventive detention”. The bipartisan group of senators, in their letter […]