Khamenei asks India to ‘confront extremist Hindus’

Tehran: Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday asked the Indian government to confront what he called “extremist Hindus and their parties”, saying the hearts of Muslims all over the world are “grieving” over the recent communal violence in Delhi. His remarks comes two days after India summoned Iran’s Ambassador Ali Chegeni in New […]

UN rights chief challenges CAA in Supreme Court

UN rights chief challenges CAA in Supreme Court

NEW DELHI: The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has filed a petition in the Supreme Court against the citizenship amendment law, in an unprecedented move which was sharply criticised by India. India’s Permanent Mission in Geneva was informed on Monday evening by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet that her office […]

Pak to close border with Afghanistan for 7 days amid coronavirus scare

Pak to close border with Afghanistan for 7 days amid coronavirus scare

Islamabad: Pakistan will close its border with Afghanistan for seven days from Monday to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus, the Interior Ministry said on Sunday, as the authorities ramped up efforts to stop the new cases of infection. The announcement came a day after two more people tested positive for the novel coronavirus in […]

US, Taliban sign historic deal on Afghanistan”s future

US, Taliban sign historic deal on Afghanistan”s future

Doha: The United States signed a landmark deal with the Taliban on Saturday, laying out a timetable for a full troop withdrawal from Afghanistan within 14 months as it seeks an exit from its longest-ever war. The agreement is expected to lead to a dialogue between the Taliban and the Kabul government that, if successful, […]

US-Taliban to sign peace pact today

DOHA: Washington and the Taliban are set to sign a deal in Doha on Saturday to secure America’s exit from its longest war through gradually withdrawing troops and starting talks between Kabul and the militants. The agreement will likely be heralded as marking the start of a hopeful new era for Afghanistan, which has seen […]

Saudi halts pilgrimages to Mecca, Madina over virus

Saudi halts pilgrimages to Mecca, Madina over virus

DUBAI: Saudi Arabia on Thursday halted travel to the holiest sites in Islam over fears about a viral epidemic just months ahead of the annual hajj pilgrimage, a move that came as the Mideast has over 240 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus. The extraordinary decision by Saudi Arabia stops foreigners from reaching the holy […]

UN rights chief expresses ‘great concern’ on CAA

Highlights arrests, social media ban in Kashmir

UN rights chief expresses ‘great concern’ on CAA

GENEVA: The UN human rights chief on Thursday voiced “great concern” over India’s amended citizenship law and reports of “police inaction” in the face of communal attacks in Delhi, urging political leaders to prevent violence. Updating the ongoing 43rd Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva on human rights developments around the world, UN […]

OIC condemns violence against Muslims

OIC condemns violence against Muslims

JEDDAH: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemned violence against Muslims in Delhi, resulting in the death and injury of people and the arson and vandalism of mosques and Muslim-owned properties. In a statement issued Thursday, the pan-Islamic body expressed its sincere condolences to the families of the victims of these acts. The OIC called […]

J&K integral part: India at UNHRC meeting

Geneva: Jammu and Kashmir “was, is and shall forever” remain an integral part of India, a top Indian diplomat asserted at the UN Human Rights Council’s meeting here on Wednesday, a day after Pakistan sought the international community’s intervention on the Kashmir issue. Speaking at the 43rd session of the UN Human Rights Council which […]

‘Horrifying religious intolerance’

Washington: The violence over the citizenship act in New Delhi drew sharp reactions from US lawmakers with the mainstream media prominently reporting it along with the just-concluded visit of President Donald Trump. Reacting to the violence that has claimed at least 13 lives in the past a couple of days, US Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal said […]