Trump requests PM Modi to release Hydroxychloroquine ordered by US

Trump requests PM Modi to release Hydroxychloroquine ordered by US

WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump has said that he has requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to release the amount of Hydroxychloroquine ordered by the United States after India last month banned the drugs for exports. Trump said that he spoke to Prime Minister Modi on Saturday morning and made a request to release Hydroxycholoroquine for […]

Covid-19 cases reaches 2,880 in Pakistan

Covid-19 cases reaches 2,880 in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: The number of coronavirus cases in Pakistan rose to 2,880, on Sunday, officials said.According to the Ministry of National Health Services, 45 people have died so far due to the viral infection in the country and 130 have recovered. While Punjab recorded 1,163 cases, Sindh reported 864, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) 372, Balochistan 185, Gilgit-Baltistan 206, […]

‘Worst yet to come’ for countries in conflict, says UN chief Antonio Guterres amid coronavirus crisis

‘Worst yet to come’ for countries in conflict, says UN chief Antonio Guterres amid coronavirus crisis

UNITED NATIONS, (UNITED STATES) :UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Friday renewed his call for a global ceasefire, urging all parties to conflict to lay down arms and allow war-torn nations to combat the coronavirus pandemic. “The worst is yet to come,” Guterres said, referring to countries beset with fighting like Syria, Libya and Yemen. “The COVID-19 […]

Pakistan records 2,700 coronavirus cases; Punjab province crosses 1,000-mark

Pakistan records 2,700 coronavirus cases; Punjab province crosses 1,000-mark

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s coronavirus cases rose to 2,708 on Saturday with the number of patients in the Punjab province, which accounts for more than half of the country’s total population, crossing the 1,000-mark. According to the National Health Services, COVID-19 has so far claimed 40 lives, while 130 patients have recovered. Punjab — the hotspot of […]

WHO says coronavirus is spread by respiratory droplets, not through air

WHO says coronavirus is spread by respiratory droplets, not through air

BEIJING: The virus that causes the COVID-19 disease is primarily transmitted through “respiratory droplets and close contacts”, and does not seem to stay long in the air, a recent WHO publication said. Respiratory infections can be transmitted through droplets of different sizes, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said. Droplet transmission occurs when you have close […]

Saudi Arabia imposes 24-hour curfew in Mecca and Medina

Saudi Arabia imposes 24-hour curfew in Mecca and Medina

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia imposed a 24-hour curfew in the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina on Thursday, extending measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus, which has infected more than 1,700 people in the kingdom and killed 16. The interior ministry said in a statement there were some exceptions, including for essential workers […]

Afghan govt, Taliban prisoners swap postponed for 3rd time

Afghan govt, Taliban prisoners swap postponed for 3rd time

KABUL: Exchange of prisoners between the Afghan government and Taliban militants has been postponed for the third time, local media said in a report. “Taliban prisoners release process planned for Thursday has postponed and the course may kick off on Saturday,” Xinhua news agency quoted the TOLO News as saying in the report on thursday. […]

World could face food crisis in wake of coronavirus: UN, WTO

World could face food crisis in wake of coronavirus: UN, WTO

PARIS: The heads of three global agencies warned Wednesday of a potential worldwide food shortage if authorities fail to manage the ongoing coronavirus crisis properly. Many governments around the world have put their populations on lockdown to slow the spread of the virus but that has resulted in severe slow-downs in international trade and food […]

Ready to help India to procure ventilators, but scaling-up production a challenge: China

Ready to help India to procure ventilators, but scaling-up production a challenge: China

BEIJING: China on Wednesday said it is ready to help India procure the much-needed ventilators to treat coronavirus patients, but underlined that Chinese firms are finding difficult to scale-up production as they needed imported parts. A number of countries including the US and India, are trying to procure ventilators needed for hospitals to deal with […]

World economy will go into recession with likely exception of India, China: UN

World economy will go into recession with likely exception of India, China: UN

Geneva: The world economy will go into recession this year with a predicted loss of trillions of dollars of global income due to the coronavirus pandemic, spelling serious trouble for developing countries with the likely exception of India and China, according to a latest UN trade report. With two-thirds of the world’s population living in […]