US cheers Indian engineers for building low-cost ventilator

Washington:   Cheering the Indian engineers for building a low-cost ventilator, the US hopes that this invention succeeds and can eventually be mass produced as the critical medical equipment can save many lives from the deadly coronavirus that has killed over 5,000 people in America and 40,000 others globally. The United States, which as per latest […]

First COVID-19 patient admitted to CD hospital tests negative

Srinagar: Amid a spike in COVID-19 cases in Kashmir of late, there’s some good news though. HOD CD Hospital Srinagar wrote on Twitter that the first patient admitted to the hospital had tested negative. Dr  Shah told Kashmir Reader that the patient was being kept under observation for now and will be retested tomorrow to […]

One more tests positive in Ladakh, COVID-19 tally rises to 14

Srinagar : Authorities in Ladakh on Thursday said that one more person has been tested positive for COVID-19 taking the total cases to 14. Deputy Commissioner Kargil, Baseer Choudhry tweeted that the latest case has been detected in Kargil. The fresh COVID-19 case comes after almost two weeks since a person was detected of the […]

N. Korea insists it is free of coronavirus

Seoul:  North Korea remains totally free of the coronavirus, a senior health official in Pyongyang has insisted, despite mounting scepticism overseas as confirmed global infections near one million. The already isolated, nuclear-armed North quickly shut down its borders in January after the virus was first detected in neighbouring China, and imposed strict containment measures. Pak […]

Israel’s health minister has virus, top officials to isolate

Jerusalem:  Israel’s health minister, who has had frequent contact with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top officials, has the new coronavirus, the Health Ministry announced Thursday. Yaakov Litzman and his wife, who also has contracted the virus, are in isolation, feel well and are being treated, the statement said. Requests to enter isolation will […]

Russian plane lands in US with medical supplies to combat coronavirus

Washington: A Russian cargo plane carrying 60 tonnes of medical supplies, including ventilators, masks and other protection gear, needed to treat the patients with COVID-19 landed in the US as the country wrestles with the coronavirus pandemic that the White House has warned could kill up to two lakh people during the next fortnight. The […]

Coronavirus cases top 900,000 worldwide: AFP tally

Paris:  More than 900,000 cases of coronavirus have been officially detected worldwide since the pandemic emerged in China late last year, according to an AFP tally at 1900 GMT on Wednesday using official sources. At least 905,589 infections including 45,719 deaths, have been recorded in 187 countries and territories globally, with 203,608 cases and 4,476 […]

US wages all-out war to defeat “horrible” coronavirus: says Trump, as death toll crosses 5,000

Washington: America continues to wage an all-out war to defeat the “horrible” coronavirus, President Donald Trump has said, as the US reported over 5,000 deaths and more than 200,000 infections, the highest in the world, due to the fast-spreading COVID-19 pandemic. According to Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, the number of Americans to have been infected […]

Six-week-old baby dies of coronavirus in US

New York:  A six-week-old baby girl has died of coronavirus in the US state of Connecticut, Governor Ned Lamont said on Thursday, stressing that the death is a reminder that “nobody is safe with this virus” as the COVID-19 cases there crossed 3,500. A report in the Hartford Courant newspaper quoted officials as saying that […]

Spain deaths top 9,000 but epidemic passes peak

Madrid:  Spain’s death toll surged over 9,000 Wednesday as infections passed the 100,000 mark, but the rate of new cases continued to slow, suggesting the epidemic had peaked, health chiefs said. Spain has the world’s second-highest death toll after Italy, with the virus so far claiming 9,053 lives after a record 864 people died over […]