Director FCS&CA takes stock of food grains, essential commodities

Srinagar: A review meeting of all the officers of FCS&CA Kashmir was held here today under the chairmanship of Reyaz Ahmad Sofi, Director FCS&CA Kashmir to review the overall stock and supply position of food grains and other essential commodities in the valley.
On the occasion, the chair directed all the Assistant Directors to ensure timely and hassle free distribution of food grains among the consumers.
He also reviewed the overall stock and supply position of all the snow bound areas of Kashmir and it was informed that the requisite quota has already been dispatched and dumped in such areas well before time.
It was informed in the meeting that extensive drives for e-KYC are being carried out in all the districts of Kashmir and the overall percentage of the Division has improved, however the chair directed all the Assistant Directors to achieve the targets assigned by the Administrative Department well in time.
The Director impressed upon the participants to achieve the deliverables assigned to the Department in a time bound manner in order to complete the targets as per the prescribed time frame.

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