Abdul Qayum War appointed District Director Srinagar by J&K International Human Rights Federation

SRINAGAR: In a recent development, Abdul Qa­yum from Idd Gah has been appointed as the district director for Srinagar by the Jammu and Kashmir International Human Rights Federation. This nomination marks a significant step to­wards championing human rights in the region.

The International Fed­eration for Human Rights (FIDH), under which this appointment falls, is dedi­cated to ensuring the respect of all rights outlined in the Universal Declaration of Hu­man Rights. These rights en­compass civil and political dimensions, as well as eco­nomic, social, and cultural aspects.

With a global presence spanning 100 countries through 141 leagues, the FIDH coordinates and sup­ports various human rights activities, maintaining inde­pendence from political and religious affiliations. The or­ganization actively protects human rights defenders and advocates for their recogni­tion and necessary protection on the international stage.

Notably, the FIDH played a pivotal role in the establish­ment of the first permanent International Criminal Court in 2002. The federation en­gages in extensive advocacy, lobbying intergovernmental organizations, conducting in­quiries, judicial observation missions, and implement­ing training programs for human rights campaigners.

Through rigorous re­search, the FIDH has uncov­ered the universal unjust and discriminatory appli­cation of the death penalty, highlighting its incompat­ibility with fair trial prin­ciples and its categorization as a form of torture incon­sistent with the right to re­spect for human dignity.

The FIDH, headquartered in Paris with a regional office in Tunis, Tunisia, operates joint bureaus in Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, and Mali. Additionally, it maintains permanent delega­tions in Geneva (UN), Brus­sels (EU), and The Hague (In­ternational Criminal Court). Founded in 1922, the FIDH op­erates as a non-governmental organization (NGO) com­mitted to the protection and promotion of human rights globally.

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