Hope In Hard Times

Hope In Hard Times

Hope is the companion of power and the mother of success; for who so hopes strongly has within him the gift of miracles: Samuel Smiles

Every day we are bombarded with stories of grief, death and destruction. The daily heart-wrenching incidents leave us shattered and melancholic to the core. With so much happening in the world right now, one may easily get drained and weighed down by disappointments and despair. But hope is what keeps us strong in the face of adversity. It keeps us going even when we are facing major setbacks in life. It guides us in the darkest of times and acts as the strong driving force that fuels us to deal with difficult situations in life with patience and resilience.
Hope is an optimistic emotion connected to positive outcomes. It is only hope that makes us believe when one door closes, another door opens. It reminds us to let go of our disillusionments and embrace new things in life. It is essential to remember that life is all about ebbs and flows, highs and lows, wins and losses. Every crisis in life is an opportunity which moulds and shapes our inner and outer being. We just have to give ourselves that enough space for new things to unfold. Hope tells us that Life holds potential meaning even in the most miserable circumstances. The miserable have no better option than to hope for good. Hope makes us believe in ourselves even when we are betrayed.
It may take some time to reconnect and rebuild the self strength but feeling hopeless doesn’t have to be permanent. It fades away with a positive approach towards life. When we cling to the rope of hope it guides us to the right way of thinking and living. It allows us to have dreams and goals in life. It’s that ray of hope we believe in that may turn the dark days of our lives into brighter ones. To live without hope is to cease to exist. Hope is the very essence of life. When we lose hope, we lose the strength to overcome all the hardships of life. A true hope is always unbreakable and unshakable. When we strongly hold on to the rope of hope nothing can bring us down. With it, we can do miracles on earth and make others appreciate the virtue of being hopeful.
The writer can be reached at [email protected]

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